The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


RELIGIOUS AKNOTJWCEMENIS. Tviuvimv" mF.MnKns are invited un'till 'SATURDAY. JULY 23rd. SHIPPING. AMUsem*nTS.

OUTll HYDKKY MKTIH1UIST CATALOGUES LATEST Re. J. h. ririi ami uniTiiHitnmnn BrainrcHCH. (yen Church.

Reeem-idreet. UNION. TIm. McNwee of the TO tlCta. fkMiohIe.

Church of England. Thomas; 7 p.m., lie v. A. J. Hurt, Bfak forth into 4Vl.

HnmnWi Flans, etc, on application. BEOT AND CHEAPEST ALWAYS. HA YE BTOOD THE TEST FOR YEARS. Thousands now in use ererywhere. I oar sopplr yon with the ordinary Rtrong and Tijht Kill It, or wiLli one tin U) the hichest r'' l.nri rMipp-r.

Amnrm-i, i hitim-m iw BUTTON. will frirnkh you with description, pictorial awl prices of our leading make of MOTOR CARS, BUQQIKS, AND ANDREWS EVTS first ofiADK (nxpsnnoii. KATI.ItllAY, TO-DAT. a. CATHEDRAL, (Bamby), "Glorious fa Thy Name" Uchlan Church Ai.niverry.-ll a.m..

Rev. J. Thorn- itv AmR TRINITY. 3 p.m,. Hev.

A. J. Burt! AFTER TRINITT, Mount Uuid al Auourn ana ooi.coru. ruiwcr Architect, may obuiuca from the iKioeer, Uu Work, d- Coon.intble. JO-D4Y, EIGHTH SUNDAY rjUIB NIAGARA, UNSURPASSED FOR WORK OR PLAY.

A user writes: "Have subjected my Niagara to continuous liea.y lowing work (or the past la months without a lye, breakdown, or iuuiiul's Publio' Tea and Meeting, WEDNESDAY, my. Thomas. renders, endowed 'Tender for Fencing," to be tent TLVJ1 WUITr'Ua te to the undersigned not later than MONDAY, the JtttH Bay HOLY COMMUNION, at 8, 10, 11 turn. 11 MaUins.

AntbL-ui; ''tiw; Thou We reapertfnlly inrite yoo to write, and we will sible pttch of workiiiansliip and flniili, and gise the hest vslue you can get for your money. T4ke fy-ichhardt, Habcrfield, or Abbotrfnrd tram to doe Holy; InttAnt- I T. 7 Baptist. Urviu; (Ironr Brid-'f Spirit" trouble." Wnrrumblclf ce Northern Cbnal. Tru ttriiisci Gorki if litr CtecW, etc Can be obtained on application to U.

II. HOYOE, "OAPTIST nr. Oxford-, dty. frayer R. J.

LUKEY, Secretary. Company's Ilrad OfDce, Kcnt-Hireet, Sydney. A NIAGARA AT WORK ITS BEST ADYKRTISKSIliNT. 4.30 Holy Baptisms and tturcbint Cod Who Madest Earth JJ Alt-Mine, 1" p-Ixtof PuG-'d. -m-

hvrnsoiig. Aoincin: isurwiuii-t-njniuttr, iiunier-fai. mail tuute postiree. ANGUS AND SON. 165-IC7 Caeaereagh-etreet (between Alarkt-t and Park aUectl, IJATHUKSl-ftT, Church.

ev. James int. or kimI for Cataiofijc ai pneL'S, wiir. uiomauon re freight, throughout llie State. ARTHUR HORTON, Sulky Manufacturer and Exporter, 14-343 Pirramstta- loed, Pftersham.

TL, 521 Pctcniiam. inn joiy, iiu. and Heaven" Preaftber, HIS GRACE THE ARCHBISHOP. i Hly City; 7. AC-J1 and a Uujlk dedrotV of iVndrri.Nr far AddiUonTTo TS'AnS ornwS C.

E. WOODWARD, Sole Agent, ISO SL'SSl 'Jt STREET. OIIIII5T t.Hl IttH, ST. UAM Urn- AITIriT CIlL'ltUll, -w' JJ areboui4 at Uw uwr of Iviotf uud Kent t-trects. of jjy 'ol Mepcv SinirJrton.

munton. 7.a h.30 a.m.: SUULul 10.30 Uov.wnL Uj Sydney, (or Mrs. Andrew Bro. CLi or nZuiS accepted. Kiitnarim iaciuiit in i uairmjn, iukuhimh ii-iio- requestea i aj'piy;mv.

7 Kreimine and P-'n. A. j. I'ovej, rtniin.

i i c)ki ntjuucn, ArnniuMTia, TTTm-CTJ- "tlllJ RC11 OF ST. AUGITfrnXE," NEUTRA1 BAY. Beirs-fhaiitiwrM. 120 ITLWICII HILL BAITIKT. 11, 7, ltT.

w. v-uti SOUTH STTJKCT KA.TEIW SUBURBS, lirvimil. omvEiisirv sydhkt, Unmnai; Oral. GLKBR M.VNLT, ll.oljr. nrwrows Noimi sydwey, Hampden ovaL WESTERN Mini'linS ST.

QEORGK, tlputu (Jround. IMBSION d. Grand Secretary. ff-fpYiY o'nTc TO-DAY. TO-DAT.


is.mui-.Mr..i, ArcLiiet, NewcaaUo. Woods'-rhambrrs, Sc-otl-gtreet. So. 335; 1 tCUAL MARINK Kj TO-yuiiROW. Black.

MrinorJiil Hcmcc at jitf. jb PURE LIQUID PLANTATTOH. J.V SLMPM-: AND lir.l.iAHI.K BUILDERS and Contractors. Su bum I'lan, Tender fitoiie (otUipe, 5 JAW to Srinirwoi. MiMiy's Red was rraoted in Friday's Break fjjtt and Coiifercnc- at i rea-ivt-d.

Biiii-riu-nt ol r.nrines. 1910 Titie, CClb "iUTuk'' l3j io; priw; 6bruiu be ann is Slail rauitit Axles, 1UL is is 20. 1 jtko-jp on tic. Hole and riRCIIGROVK PARK, Balmala. TVndrm "lor paint- 8 a.m.

Holy II a.m. Mjtlln ami H.C., Ven. Arcbd. Letroy, ALA. S.

IA p.m. -f'hiMreit's Service. n-tiu Eveiisoni. Rot. H.

Beat, M.A. rpENDEItS for General Repairs, inrlndin Paintine, -i- jriiciitenn. Brickwork, and Arnhaltinff. to four 1. and rrauie ai ti, evening 7, Rer.

J. modi-i. Heine vt'ry cun-pai utn bllit.tble iui auAiliary pnurcr or biiull Unlit lit-, wuti-U iitii nll at a ic 220 each, caaks in 1, caakj in 2: 6 "-wir. HARRIS 2 Tins Catk, titwt net LajLs, per ton, net Cottages, JUarrickville (under ir.f rzriiciiufb, i areiascr. pnec.

lie tiuii.t raiy ior iriatiaiian, n-Kliifi with 'luliu icttiaiug i.d Lit TJRICK.LAYERA fenders 6 Oottjujrs, Bews-oft; open HII.L, II Trinity. ll aim Siilty Scat St-re'B. lUr.dle, Brasa 41, 47. Ernest st tram atop. Rev.

D. Steed. II. 7, M-m who hurled Hinwt'H.'." I.

It' iii.ili lions, 1, 1 per p-iir, l-'-l per a pairs. lUilt, Litrna.iiir, Ntthd or Braia, iwch Iu Tlh hr.i HlX. tlumti. t.o.iiourn-, w' "VKftTOWN COLMAN and WTITJAMSOS, 151 Ht- iiij a at wuntu (not MtiU) mcaorn with ilie ul.o.c, XTO. L.ive us a BAPTIST, euntinuril.

11 a.m.( Rev. IL GLARkt -I'Kir w.illpnirn ai ii K. lv1' till rians Ml l(n0. urowne. C10NTRACTOI1S desirous of Trnderinj tor a PAIR OF I'OlTAtHlS at kindly forward named' to the undersigned, I WALTER NEWMAN.

ArdiltecL ARTHUR n. nARELL, where tip. ions can be wien. Alfauv's LWl-Ii tJoltiirs. bDvci-l Black, Itxl It; Royal Ulul.

KKl.AL OH i KNi.l.NK TTfti" Mittiiun'a Hy. Voa. id. syuncy. TRINITY.

ruKi-ftiuwa. tf EH VICES, 11. 7.15. 2.ri p.m.( Juullee story a. i MONDAY, 8 P.M., GRAND JITOLEB CONCERT.

rpENIilittS an- invited, ar.d will up to fir-cn, -L ItKVSiltkV ihi. II Amiiiii.f Piimioc. 71b TeL, 11S3 Central. Norwich-chambers, I lur.ter-street. PAVILIIJV ilt IUnIiAl.

l.VK I'ARI PrearhfT! Archdeacon D'ARCY-IRVINE, llrjaiii a naKo" nruwti, i Pony and wanUd, cheap, uo rpiiE BOLIAIIKU UKA i DUll MA I Mi IvXUl.ML AS USED BY THE BRITISH noVBRNatXNT AND tiKItllAN NAVY, pveninr i ninn-r at AinXTR A( TnitS. Ti'niUra rfvin. Klerlrlr HeUs. Plans, etc, Had all iaiunuatiou, apply B1 -Mominir dt.t SLIIJURHS I. LauRlpy.

it 7 p.m. Iastor F. w. Smith Uiidi-r-incd. I ritnlv ifitnunioti i.

Dray, "iianiew, owner no turthcr TOR B. MORGAN, n.m., T-vltAIXERA 1l n.m. anil rice required for draining new Cot- IMULU-S, Clturrli-liill. 11 a.m. ana i p.m.

D.m. miui. st.lL conivvaliih-at. Oedlcrn- A. FtSTFKV KtTinTtBS EaSTLIW SUIICKL3 Apply l.j cornwai.i!.- Auolv L.

ft-vn trierit. USES KEROSENE, and HAS NO ELECTRICAL IJT. I'lUI (ll.c.) T. farm B0UT11 SYDNEY Prurcr MrtinBn 7 nnd 10 a.m. I l-J Ul-os.

StratiuiB'd. Ap. Gillies anil 82 Pitt-sL I anon ai.A, iVlUE DttALGHT IJOiiriE for Sale, ton triai, price Iockvr's Pale or TUnl Carriapi-, in 1 irallon cans, 143. Cunieihair 2in, Our Spcvuil aya. LAfthiil.iT, 111.

liJJl.G. OKACcl Broadway )LL1NG'S CUACaV FOR LP-TO DAIT; Bt SINESS WAGGONi, SXHO.XU AND UJUItLES AND VAVf- EQLII'M. NT. invited for filtH-K HYDE; the inGHI IELD BRICK- 'I Archdracon G. Jonrs, 11 a.m.

and 7 A' TilUU SALE BY TENDER, i'Al'lS, HertttTii. and BOATHOUSE, XEUTRAL BAY. Apply ituito-ro. -L WOKKS, Urrmul! i-road.

rr. aorta good Clay, or VV Communion Service after rrnwg crncc. Pony Stallion, ideal aire, for Sale or Lease. "LUL(. ruLU lil.lien li.ui Lwni wvv i more.

Apply particulars. i-v-t' tt ll.c: a.m., GORDON M'KINNON, cterUtaiiL w.i 1 Churclies of Christ. H. RTR GJIT, OonulK Tie Mt Suitibl," Entire fr Commercial Boat. H' v.

K-inp 7 p.m.. jreasdl. iMoit'ei'li', vt.y "itylish U-bands Tony Turnout, cheap. Rule Ki'pnsrnutlves, llAHCOt and WILCOX, Ltd. yp.

SIMON'S, C'ampUII-at. -11. I1.C: 7.1fl, Bmt. It.) i at riit-itreot. Unpaioted Vehicles supplied to Country iiLKt'V-u.

Summer LL1L -A. lil SPECIAL SKI FT' AND 1H.VIY MOTOIUS. W. wntrf). a Hov." W.

A Man' aAaj also i ton Saddlers eiu jLMCli'AL COUNCIL OF SYDhEi. TO CONTRAt.TORS. TENDERS will bo received by the undersigned until nklyii. Owl's Folly, ilo's Sorv. -11 ycU-, Slow Spcvd, LARGE STOCK OF SLArioNED MATERIAL ON HAND.

fTVENDERS arc invited for the Erection of two Brli-'k for Mr. Hunt, of, nty. Plans and rf.eciflpiition at my office, where tender mtisi for Mr. c-r,, anrl 11.45 a.m.. t.n.

Mr. Urn ir-s. All wrleni bu.rcapoutuacti ana uuipcci.vii inviiea. Factory: Gordon and Ncwcornbc streets, Paddington. 8, 11.

3 U'UtX'X Cll ll.l-UAl, LTtUi .111.1, 1V1U, IOr- VOOD, reliahlo Draught Uantesi, JT nearly ik-w. sood lot, ii'J. 47dr(jieb. ri llilE-PAYMENT. Vaf Pony, Cart, llarueai, ti, -lay TAR- 'fre Sjttirdity, 2Srd tattanU P.

VAN" EVANS, Archi- Ci.Stal.liaiih iilUSTIAN" Fftleon-Ht; N.S. 11, Wowhip. (U) lfAJ.I..X.lMI.(i, III1U THOMAS'', Nortli Xvfi y7 II, MrD'ALLING PAl'tuVji-STItEET, from Pow'lcr-; Savp B-h i ii.i raiirjiiixtun. rite lor our au 1910 Motlr is -Juht CO.MPl.l-rTK OlTFlTti, NINULE 21. (-II.

Dol-HLE All spare pnrw in htoi k. THE UNION Ul( ENGINE 178 tlJarriico-Btreft, Utalj set. oo tv-Htreet. und G1BUENS- 1 TEAO II EPKHJELATING KNCI.nki 1 kmifi's a A 1 c.VAilARA'S for every description of Bmnnea. 2 andi iT-ht, H.C.; lckley; 7.

tiosp, G. T. wcic. I. l.inny; 7.1.'..

EvenMns. tti j(MORE TABERNACLE. 11 "" Go. T. WAIr leri-strp''t, Surry Hi IK-11 n.m.

Ha HEN; 7, Mr. GALE, from Melbourne. risiue years, broiai, no lurtuer uso, ai- STliEin1 E.Ti;.SltJN. i -i- for the nf AMMON1V 1 LotMrtJ, Piianons, CarryaHji, W'g i T0. Tmrient mut rx in ai'i-iirthinw with Sneciflratioii.

'CONDENSER. The lowest nf tA n. tiiM. und Siiiliilrv now and A Ihin Dom-bt, liuratvuie. i UKMnr.H.S must product- thnr Tni.Pts.

S. II, FAIKI.AND, Offlee: Sccty C. Ground, Qcran House, 54 Moorf-strct, S- CRICKET GROUND. 'V-Mllit-rii I TO-DAY. TO-DAY.


p.m., WALUSEND I. ULTIMO ADMISSION, fid. S. II. Oir-: Fcrty S.

C. OrnnntL ftcenn Hmtse, Mrtorr-rtrect. rfTHK "IDEAL" MR DYKING 0fU colours Hair 1 int Awardod M-dal Vlm-a 19Tfl'. PtHt Froe, L'ui 0.1. KTKItLIVG PAIII OI IIS (lite'ii I' irl.

I. 'J'fl PiM-Ft, 0p. Ori. HI i7 I it it tKiit. Vis.iit-ir C'anls, Cnk'- Boxes, i in-A -riit I'ark Roval Arcade.

"b-r, Rev. Uws. Hii(rneMcn. i.ftfrt.i.l.-ll. Woraliip: which irw-y be on application at Uic Ollieu of Bamy ucci-plcl, I or full to I best fjiwlny, lowtit posaible prices.

In- WhTT.iiLh LitALUaT tiOit6E lor bale. I Uoioa- cotL A Nt HOltS. ltl.w-kK. XfuiH M. tl.

I'jitilH. L' tT. IllSimi'TiUJiM'E, THE (il.EUl.. a.m.:; XL Uocpi-I Serv. J.

W. F1LANK CO.YON. l.n-Vi,,- BpecUoii invited. iV.ii nan, r. vMiisuiunff 3.

vorti-st. Niirftown. Consulting r.R Pr.y.T and lioiy i oniinuiimii, tie. fehitis ( if pvciv drfiTiininii. Winnhvs d'r M( IILYVILLE, PuntirrunK nl.l1, otnirip; 7, uospei CHARGE.

TendfW will only bo considered if made on e. .1. i' Jj. J1 Die- CKUc-ial TOUM OI-' TEN I Kit, a copy of which muy iikh lnvor ,,1,1 off. M.nnill": .,1.11.111 irJP't.

I UAiE. thorough gum. 'a Pouy, I3.a. a for, erv flue selection of Sulkies, luiold, to John IL I Uodrli.i"! laid. 1 S.

Unlv CoiPimnni- AlitilV(TnV II. Ilniifer: 7.15. A. L. iuing-.

be obtained upon ujviiicnl into tile IJIIIcl' 01 llie City worth. "The Mjp? of thjLDclui I Treasury of Uie sain of ten sl.illiiies and sixpence; 'fKNDERS are Invited f0T ADDITIONS to BPSIVESS i '--tori us, J.ord-. Newtown. lT' 1X fast, tiu UW). uir opcyiiitsiuwii uu; LLAMKItr 1ELD.

I AJ inw uLf nnl -a ri.Q l. rr. W. WAIXill, FT Km-lmriit uud Sermon: 11, Matins. Litany, r.

Utile Edwnrd-st, llalituun. 'Phone, 2 nalmafn. land Srnnon, bv Itcv. A. W.

TONGH. M.A.; 3, llhild- MOTOR lift h.p.", 4-cple n-n's -rvhv: 7.1ftKveionef and Smrttin. Enciiie, sejt IVrlnt onier. Anr trial. 15 CiT.

MATTHIAS'. PADDINUTON. 3 and 11 a.m., will itOLUHAM CAB lor i-ie, dicap, cast -iw, Other Services, Etc. obtained nv payment into trie treasury oi 111c sum llOREOW and Iif -rnrtv 1. I 1 iu of one guinea ClIML neither of which muim will and U'1 QGiGlKS, Trays, Piauox, and Coming, some rub-ljji1 a-tb 1.

liquet MOOUY, Siii Kent-strt'et. 4070. K3 11. 7. p.m., Kvrm.intr nni hi rmon oy itrv, rZ WJLT or ii.

r-, St. forve's Hall. Newtown. i. lii, 1 BALER'S VAN, cheap: Suly.

10s, 01 K-uiii-fct, Ntwn. til 0 Pipe Q-llars, Su; to mi that tlav MLiT nav J1. i W. -tv jr :t.mir. Sail, Oar, exet-llent G.

MELDING on Cx-rge- in -mi ci.n. liridtian Home." I 'unsh friaL li, 244, ti.P.O. order, iKirsruin 1 rr x-iii unit uruil. mcut.

aio- "N'(J fit All ticara. Crui-: and Ail km Speialily, ITS? TTN1TAIUAN C1HTRCH, HYPE Rev. CWIUJE WALTERS. Horning, at 11, "Seeing Tliini-S." at 7, "GRKKK. KOMAN.

W1LVT THE WORLD OWES TO EAC1L" NEXT TUESDAY. tJieir ueiKMHS inuj ine umit- 01 uic wir rtr.unirvr, 1 r.rniion "ILLIUTT'S SALE VEHICLI jj. -WJ1 tvu 4 Viowe-Bt, ofl Tiailuavrd. Si. Ptrtors, eft.

double tyhmirr. QT. 1 Alii MtCKHt LVI'N'i'll. I ii nti iioiciit. and NOT enchiM Uie same with tiieir Tcsidei.s, otlicr-1 un 01 l-niir Cottages, Colliugwood-, xnrniit.

M.L-m-tn vi.v.t n'r! SIA'W-SPKED JOHN'S CHl-RCH. DARLINGHURoT. Holv Coif 1111 tiTiir.n, 8 and 11 a-m. Rev." T. II.

Dtslin 11 a-m. 'llie 7.15 p.rru wise their lender win iimeri.u as i.ti-uuaiAi I.I'iIM, MJc and i.uriits, Cuhitns, cover, Splen. Beajiiitiit. im-a-. lu.v., e-J'J'i.

Ib.x 17, (J.P.U, CONCEltT AND RECITAL. Architect. SHIPPING. 82 Pitl-sirect, Rj-fhiev, IClh I'-H). Xji Sulky 1 A popiUarProsaiiiuie; Town nall.

Sydney, 15tb July, 1910. 1ARIN Iiuneh, 41ft. V2 h.p. Victor. lfHO do- (Continued from Pace L) Ceorire-Btrert.

rno r.iriLDnits. Presbyterian. iiiv. ifihinTt. l-'st Ihuuiifiiir.

miff. AT Foresters' Hail, Castlereagli-fitreet. ctiriwian ti apruig 1 years, Jlay Pony Oldinir, Sulky, SALE, cb. CONSICNEES. Carvel,

h.p. Virtor. ahrmt 11 mil-s. jJlfVi. lfift invited for BRICK CLOTHDIG lih' H.iri-tB, uy il Soiiitual Church of Proxresa bonis i- prjfAL NoncK oVeliardit.

Cliapel-st, MarricknUe. Jriai. EiliatL's, iVd Gcorge-st. i Carvel, cedar, 0 miles, liiiint Eiiirine, AMfi. New Tenders for the Supply of the following requirements FACTOR REDFI.RN.

Ilnnter-Ilaillie Mmiorial MollHiiW iSiindL Moral, wui canon i' 'also Kxpiesa Waggon, Sacr- Apply 1 1 hale. D.S. ituccy h. Scott; Mens i-ildren. to dedicated by Mrs.

IL Turner (airry at Kb poweniuiise tor a p.Tiou ol tnouuis R.S. SAL AMIS, FROM LONDON. T.ndrr, h.p. Victor, kauri, farvel built. Jl Mlhiih II aiu wrm.

7, Rev, S.iilin llojt, acar. A25. 0 h.p.. i n.m..

Addnsa Mr. r.tock ali sizn; Waggon Spring, Jin; Diy liitiory. Silky Oak. 4'M Grorce-st. It.

'X- Jice. SO Ilill-st, licichhardt. Cariuitfttm, liili). agisted bv Mr. T.

Johns, at 3. Special Sing- be revived up to o'clock p.m. on T1ILRSDAY, JOSELAND and VRRVOV. 'must be cold. WE NTY flOliSHS Pmnw. n- tii-iU. ia iu.M.L Ponv Kulkv for Sale. in far the wcaai-n. Ordinary Stnice, iAj. Ail wcic inaai.t, nnpi Iv.O- ALL n-fntt Inward Cnr-O ex the abnv- Engine, compd.

marine outfit, iTA IVndent for the -i8 the AliLigonistic to the WotUtV" Pleimer munt le in d-iplieate to tin" mtder- 01" niiy. Iloiiselat. Victor Works. Double II. ViiTT i i-Tii Vl'tiliiii" "ll nio nuiLriifi's i A ov.

re Wag-ins; Nr.w Sulkies, from il2: Ilill-st, off Baiiaain-rd, 1 icldiarat. FKKE PUBLIC LEt.TrUE, SUNDAY. 7 p-m. ca It HONS FOR ARC LAMPS. ricned bv wmjai.

iMh unit, otnrrwisc tue.v 0,1 h. uu I 1. n.i TE.nE:iS r.rB invito ti 'Dealers1 A ans. Itutttr CarLs, Village Carts. stile.

Tiodrav Tunmut. tog. iipuray lumow, IHI. SUl 11 RrteciiieatioiiB ciin be seen and nil information ob- eannnt be iiitt-r. dcclm, I', h.p.

41 llroilkl-Kt, An'dale. W1.N ai be.irU." Mr. Pcn-y French. Duet pletion of Two Shops and Dwellin' at liuet Mv. i Hwcttd Social Ic.

mit countrj' Waggon or 2.'ll. Lurloite-fit-oterbury-rut- SYDNEY CHRLVrADLUPIIIAA 1 the utuleniiirnetL If leji HI. I CT1VE Van liorae, dark bay, U.3, suit doctor, cab. iiu-i'mv Ti1-'11 Jl Open Motor Bout, complete re- fr iis it- i.t Pmnt.

at 2.L. p.m. 01. MO.SDAi to djnt all claims tll it.inr(ill, n-rjld. at the oflices of I lurnout, S0; Rubbcr-tyrcd Sulkies.

Hama Ben-flfftril-chaiubers, STIUTE I No. 2,12 Coulbant-etrect. near Riley- nw "3 Ji arcet. near Wevouutirc-Btree (-- tfntkr lmt nrtsirily accepted. NEW MASONIC HALL, Castlereagb -fit reel.

Tenders to lie endorsed, "Tenders for E.L Supplies," liter, Rev. S. B. REID. miey-sireet.

-y billMS llitiia. -I laiiurrn, AT J. 1 Architect. I LW Uairgon. pole, sliafu, cheap; Draught Uoree, Working at solvation.

I he Elder Uro. p. 111. Add rets to t. nn.11 inns, ait.

gnu aauresse' 10 DMICTY and COMPANY, I.irHtM, Ac-entn. first-oM l.rttlnc-out O'Connell fitret-t h'ddiita. F.Jt ite Bnrany. M-llt'f aportiotf Sulky, rcpaintt-J. as new, a.iu, oiler, Siikllarnt, 30s.

1VJ Tra(algar-it, An dale. IL W. CIUERSON. TTliLLfcRTOS MEMORIAL. SI'RRY UlLLi, XI.

l.EOD. -Cod's Man in Oort's riacc," i.w p. Town" Clerk. l.Olt SALE, -Jfi II. D.

BOAT, sail.i and (fear. All. A ANNIVERSARY SERVICES. ANNIVERSARY SIJRV CrA ALE, Brown Gelding, suit cab or Miter can. Council-rbanibers, Rrdiern.

15th July, -i- linff-cnl, Dawes Pi-int. Rev. E. "-itchers Hakeni', Order Carts; Spring 1 'Vr. ami farm Dravs: 2y Horses.

Afar, from i-Ji Ucpel MeeUng. No collevUons. ietS TTE.NT.4,X.-6i.RIST.AN EVIDENCE SOCIETV Melting. WEDNESDAY, at in Hall. llouse.

c-r--st. Sunday. 7 n.m Sub- MAN." by Mr. ltlankiy. Bngnt cheap, JiW Gcorgyt, ateriuv.

I.YUOi'OUT.VN ItilAltD OF WATER SUPPLY AND ivin.Btreet. .....1 tt l.KHt SALE, just laii.WI. h.p. Enptie Outltl. 31 I gTXTY POUNDS FOR AN OIL ENGINE In it a larre amntnt to pny Indeed, It is a rrmarkiihlv small mm when you consider that with it you can purrhofe a 1 t.

TET SHAFT Sulky, slid, seat, Imilt to omer, cos 23. will stll 1M a li. l.ilt'ejolin. lajlle H.lmain. eSS 'r PST'tV ftnd J1' 011 HORSW and Mares, from 1 V.lmi-xioii.

Ik. Children frl. CONCEItT IN Hl ltCH, at 8 Collection. ar.ii 341 Pitt-street, Sydney, 14th July, 1914X W. FLITCES.

Jeit, "MAKING A Singing. Evervbodv Wclron. AUBURN TOWN 1IALU AUBURN PSYCHIC XX. mms SUNDAY. i.Ij p-n-Audresi bv tit- Prcsidcitt.

A 1 1 Wrlfume. scuve uraugntB. 1 riny, utai, 3 Albert -St, ifedfern, nearJP.O. SS3 Orford- one ISft Mnlor lift, Fictorv in J-ir-ini 1 1' UWIW irom JLl'i; Tip Urav Turnout. TOR Sale, 2 h.e ri''vod for tl erection of Brick Lehcra Cart, Horse.

Dny. Horse. ir si Pad.Un- lfft i I lr.lil. I Ui.Mii I KliiAN v. 111.

id 11. Ji a.m. ana Ual I 'v- M.A., Pb.D. SPI'XIAL, SALE, Pi nn.l cnift nonne I i rt Titrtmur. ltift rentn-lminl istiins Clear' A I ACNEIL Memnrial.

Henin-. War. Ker T. Rojlhfd. La P.

rousc. pan. -11, -'toiling in lliair. 7. A iwon.

-L .....11 nn tnviiAV VKT iRth for the obtained at rpPimr Cart." from ia Ma KenVJsL Wj "4 KSfS U. 'FAD YEN. tiul Service evcrj' San- A LS-ntALIAN hp VORTH St. Leenai't-. Crow's Sv.iuir.

AJCX. v.ianc. t.t A.i. u.i.-. together or from 4 to 0 h.p., complete efnrrpmeift.

This ft-f Enpi-i 1m inined a reputation for ntaunebne-w and reliability which none ran gainsay. It t.tkea very little room in th- and Is strong and soundly con- i-ii it rt' ft I I.TB-S Tl IINOIJT. a--s li-tii, AeAtown. lt.i.;lilatt'l fcecr." ftolo, Supplv ad Dr liver at narilng Harbour Mation 01.

just at sutlon. naniurac sirecta. city. 2 FLUMES. J3(t 12in 10in.

flAENDKIS far Exteu-ion of Ilodjiiwi; C'oTs ''A YMENT. Jt Horses, from Ponies," 6 INirthto- MHienlaia tnav lie obtained at the Comnt. Prerr.iscs at SumraiT I mi i-ioi -itu. i Lverc-1 irrxn, i r. r.

Nbrakir. Mrs. -i- tnortiiiig .1 lADDlMiiON' 1 sepaiate any ir'iai. 12 Sultor-sWexru ina. I It Kali-, H-iall Ketch, all by letter, J.

D-trlin'rhiirtL "SALE, i'dt Kauri MOTOR LAI NCll," 0 h.p., auto tonirol Jinu stecriiig, awning, all gear, complete. -I'd. ricKets, "I jrpiveness and enife-aitce; social, farm. CJ. tialmcis.

7.1.. "Creatk-u Beet. Cliai A. UuJn, l.ead.r; Stores Office, Pitt-street, city. (can be seen at Stores.

Tenders addr'd to Mr. V.i&t- Turnout, suit rab'iit-trapiv-rs from Sulkies if. Come and see It, or send for further parti cn- f.cti jj uiUcs. tnrnl ii inilm A. S.

Anderson. 11, Union tyelj-n Lubtn, l-puty; Adolph H. T. L-tien, Trcas. ik wii.i.iaji njit, tmcrviijc-ruaa.

uuiwicu Hill, up to ''se 1-arin, MHi carle, Bakrs' (Jarts, Ret. lot- I li-ireiii: i KB, Herald OfFlce. y. i-wi siirinff urays, ram; travh. Tin Hmub (J10R Sale, a stylish 12.2 Brown "Pony, 5 ys.

old by rUNICTPALITY OF NORTH SYDNtY. rjv.M.'Kns are invited for thu following Ofl and ITJVRl LAUNCH, filled (or Fehna'-er flHiirg, FltESBYlERIAN (h. of K. Australia. Free St.

pro. 'a Service aial Lecture Inin Sli.l nt TENDERS are invited and will be received until T- No. la Hyde Park. 1 iron fi'1'" 14 3. list ati.1 'iw goer.Tyears I 1 sulky, practically new, ser.t three, good Har- suit tipcart or farm.

TT)R Sale, "light Draught Hor. 7 knots ilov. rontract, great sea boat, all gear reali st. Hey. w.

orant, li ana bv F. Al.LM N. "THE SPiRM" ol' PiiOPH-CY." KOCnUa.C. X-JiTi; plant. I lETEItSilAM CHI 1U II.

G.d.nt-bt. -Slornttitf, ll- Public ic-'ite t. BrACOTT ANT 7 to 13 Market-street, Sydney. Works and Slip: TUlm.tin. Plans and specification can be pern hrr .1.

SATCHWELL. 4 Yiirone-s 7.15, lit v. C. A. IL A.

eiemnu i wuum wii icparateiy. A gift. Lyttleton, 1.XR Saic, strong tquare Springcart, carry 1 ton, suit builiU-r, U. T. IL HOLGHTON, 10 wa-Btiini: MOTOR VriiA'llOX OF MIND.

TTtOR SALE, spbndi.i "CON Oil Rill OK At ST A LI Midday I 5 E. II TE 1 1 A Pitt-Tlreet. handrrmcly fitted e. 1 i. LAl'Ni ll.

in l-tfcct oVlork p.m. on TUESDAY, the 10th July, for the OF CRUSHED to be delivered as required. Specification may be seen at this office. W. HARNETT SM1TTI, Town Clerk.

Town Hall. North Sydney. Sth 1910. P.M, A. Service in St.

Stephen's t.tmrcb, Pl.iMip-strw, e.ery OCEI'N'S SUNDAY, 7.1" HALL, II LL. Hamebuih. Strathfleld. TpOR Sale, stylish silver Sulky, suit 12 to 13 1 F. Lloyd, m-rodation, Invincible Motor, dual igntn.

nuns Price. C. IL Davie. Mercury, Hobart. fTWINHERS for Erection of STAIRWAY.

Plans and wpi-! A. citicaiiona ou pieinuei. Applv LEW. ArJTtAlt.VWS, Xii tt'c Tt-lTliane, "IHUnsDAV, LIS till LjO p.m. me li BIVlTIUilDK, N.Y..

ail Inw will be given by the Rev. Sweyn een. or liYPNOTtSM. and Johnstone's Bays, Bain in, and newer fill ohsortirnt r.v Works: Mort' WcnlKh-h. ZiROCEifS Cart, uith buod, uorse ana i' j.

lis city- ibjv. c. H. Tal'-t. 11.

''Eurnity in psychic ratio irom Ilxwers. N.H. Welcome corner Oxford oi-d FlinJers sts. IANDWK 1 the lltai Tsw 35 THH-street. Svdnev.

Moeiai to JU.iiut iv.ry. iwsujj- n-u MOSMAN. OF mENDERS winted, for 30,000 CetUr, 8 to 30 1(t SLE bv TEXDEIi. tin- lluik with house tl.rrfWi, juow lying at M.iitland llrewikg Wharf, Pynnont. For" particulars apply to 1 Sydney no I ii'ierwriters' and Salvage Arm- cures spiints.

Sprung leadens. Capped ihu-ks. galir, am. all Lirnncss, and j-ou work your hort 1 th- Price, lii per can. Send for hooklet.

II I r. Itnv A hit I. (I .111 II I i.l,i ill nIK 1 IckeLS. IS. A I U.1IVII I 'ANTED PURCHASE, TI KNOLT, witn constaus 1 wjr.i.

,1. P.O.. Annan. lale. IN i i i tr it iVfli- I Svdnrv Mr.

178, 17-tf, an-1 4 Hunter's 11111. DOCKING ACCOMMOHATIOW Woolwich Din-k. tout: Mori's Po-k. TOnn tons. Wonlaifh Plruijnc iwl: I ti.nar Floattntr I ji.iu-j.

ii Avjncy VANTiiD to Buy. one Draught Horse or Mart Pax- 1 vdr.v. M.irn Mri.i Sunday. II a.m. Parent and ii.JMN.iw are inmro, uiq insictlon, 45 0 to 2 p.m.

on TVES', Jul- 2tth. for J-ottring. Ballast- dally. Miwt t-il. of iius-.

i- in. lu m. HttVSUi STREETS. Smith. Cm lhMtn-6l.

Aimandalc OiicJj Is V. I'r, Mr. W. Cnv" Enclirh. ilnldrtn iitv.led.

Mind and Inaly developed. N.B. IORD'S Cor-cntrjied RBI KEROSENE MARINE ENCINI3. u-tit-a: "Two pkl. curetl Dock.

1500 tons: Patent SJinn. XM tons. Ci. All im-iiihirs r.iinled to utut.d. 'T' I tllairiSSkrtL atta.

for Lcichhardt prcduce sirc. l'mai an coufin in liorsc, when TATKD. smart S.H. Rubber-tyre chicle and liar VV sjlt 14 h.por,y. An.cs.

KJ Redfern-sL Vii ai-(is;" -vuiitoii. stromr. double eeated. hooded reiueilies (ailed. jjrott iccjnrrchanls.

KCRU, Peicrshum. WILLIAM F. BRAY, Labour Hall, l.t.L J. Town Clerk. Architect, fi I HI ItCII OF tiueu's ill.

Sutnlay, p.m. Addresses oil hpiritual.itu, by Madame Lcmaine and others. Alter nulc by well-known nicdiuuis. N.B. Stuidav, UaJ-tin I'ATLY tl ndon).

ROTcnc No dire. A. E. Reay, S.P. Peter's.

Bine's PL-read. N. Sydney. Rev. J.

11 a.m. and 7 p.m. "jAMiW," llurwoodV-ltev. West, II rin.t T.l" p.m. "DAVID'S, nnRROYDE, 1 1 A BE REV.

CLOl STON, D.D. If.Qtl ilile. Hooded SULKY, bailt by Llovd, suit 15 lu hd. Uurt, nearly wrx. ri, ouJi; cost i cost 23..

Town Hall, Mora nan, for Erertion of Btitk 4 rooms, StilKy anu iiariic Phip snd Engineering KrpiiB of every class and Ascription with the nhnoat despatch. hen you are ired of the vganr. of petrol motors vrtii.i.' and 'lettne itfnitioti trciuhlei, tln-n ir.ipevt the I.RM miiL VOICE 01- SLOW-SPEED HEAVY 111 TY TYPE of Kerosene En- 11 1 rv gine. Reliable, Ltotiondeal. No Batteries.

Rnltitirdltmiix voicrs nf pnise the "TNTIN. 6 CHILE" Engines. We have piililislied scores of testi- PRTR1DGK, Sole Airent, IS Barrack Sydney. KtnuU during the year. Mere are two inore The '-tiViii-V'-af 1 nit it Ant, July 3 fun.

Is hum Mr. 11. F. Pickering. T1' 0tj Wlia1' lihi RHM.NCCLD, lf.ra, 1310.

Kttcicn, yU, on llampdifi-rs-sd. I i-; Lock. I'lana Alcxiindni-i Hunter's Hill. Amii. Scial Bible Lectures, SL N(tu, 'Tw Kell-" Non-fcct.

IklltLE tu-ienla' Ccor h.tti tid: QLKBE. at the oriii.e ol MYLKR and" CASH-MAN, I i.e BREDBay MARE, round, good sadcU OK rUNICIPAIilTY 11 a.m., "The Sur-Tiac of Chrint. 7.15 n.m.. "What me Earth i Teaching Up." Ll.Oi DS Pre inisnn rcau-ncj.

nitift sell, secor.d- X.A. A. T.Ql'T. 1.1..H Q.illrinc -j tl vanted. Erection trcd Cocta at rrjExiiE wcouu-hand Hooded carry a.

the faniut sfHirtir.g writer, vhn is now liing at his P. ENOCH'S, NEWTOWN. Tenders will be received up to 4 o'clock on PAY, 21st IfdO, for Alterations to Urinals and ClUUinlTAN SCIECJ i iirt oi Chrift, S-inlist, Sydney. PlIOl HALL. (Jjdleie.

v-h-streeC- SL.M)AY cite, ami Sulkies, Straight, Beet, 'AV T' gT. n-lcr, Hen ld UHne. A KtiTOIt CAU, A SAILING YACHT, or MARINE ENGINE. Morning, at li, -r. j.

Kvrni.ic. at 7. liev. C. E.

JAMES, W.Cs. at Town Hall. may be seen upon application to the; 13 hands PONY TURNOUT. E. Asrent.

UamckviUe. Licensed Van ffURNo'l for SALE, W'pn! W'iVe. Sl-M-iflltlOII call or write fcr New LiM and Booklet. Bairn. Viila, at t.ii-.

at (u cuio.nt, to Coiineot with i-rcuerick-fit, Aiibia-)d wsrttd. Painting, KalKirr iy Uiikfh Unit and Subject: tlU.NS HOARDlNtJS of SYDNEY RTRERT'S, No. 3, THE BEST HOUSE IN TOWN. PLitti aihl i Sydney. Pian tlira after- t.Jtti.gc, Cliau- MOTOR LAUNCH AND Alt SALE AGENCY, SLUUUL.i ii rn.

and 7.1.1 p.m. i-ui'jci'i: SUNDAY SCHOOL, il n.m.; F.S.jA 8 p. ui.i;-iiO Ilwr, Call Louse. M-ruu-plaLT. Open dily, 11 to .1, Mtnr-iay 10 to I p.iii.

Uednclay, 11 iih a-id tj to 7.3U p.m. -L WtrttL reaiittt'ii cstnie, errers, at (coford, Mr, Pickering snys: "Abmil Kit tpo'iiIis i i purehnM'd Irom your llrm Invir.tible Engine. Since then been in eotismnt use, und it is only f.iir for me to state Hmt. from llie ftn hour of uLitlitiir up till now, the hub" engine h.iH riven the gri.iief fj I isf action. As a of ftict, sie i citnply prrfert." The nest tiMlimninl from Mesrs.

ClifTord, love, and the well-known Tei mis, Ciiiient.e-strcel. They "iTie Oi! Engine mailt by ynu lor nur tin Mtlliu VirANlED, lii liandrPONY, num be quiet, for lady ffi ire.t, Glebe. to drive-. AfterJI n.m. PONY.

about'lS h-nus iTice'isauiy 7 ANTED to Buy. Sulky, or Victoria and Uaraea, VA ..11 in splendid order, the lot: or would sell '-fi11' IT STEPHEN'S PiUCSIJYTERlAN CIlLilCH, riiii.h U'M iti.r. i. llliisrs BRETHREN, necii'B Hail. 3Ji iycl- Bible Cla' 10 a.m.

City 8 Young street, (ImiMr Ciiny. il biiTit if i.rdeV. 1 "rom 11. luptruil. Clan-rtt.

Erfl.inirill.. '2'2t S. IinilTEIlAGE Contractir. Steam and Decked light-J ers, Steam Tuift nnd Launtliea, fyr Hire or Sale. Estimates given for all kinds of Marine Work.

1 10 B. Wulcrview-st, llalm.iin. i.iy p.m. tree Annreai, -ino uen; itraUiiieid. ITTANTED.

few P-diproe iieuers. irom wanted for Concrcts Foundations, (1 rtiorns, A cto, C. Palmer, oa, Autiurn. Momvng semce. Vhv oiveit or any len-i not nrn iiv T.

D. aLASSCOCli. T'iA-n Clerk. Town Clerk's Office, Town Hull. lheGlebc, lfithJuly Jj-TlNIClPAIiTY OF "VAUCLUSE.

TENDERS nre invited for taking the Triennial Y-alna-tions. P.rtictilars on application. EDWIN S. SAUTKLLB, Town Clerk and Engineer. ttno

Particulars to H. A. P.O.. II YE SHUT IT THE KLNODOM OF HEAVEN." I ui Ouli.jt-ti ansttered. tH Fencing, 2 AiiwcmoUii, l.o., Alex rpE.j;j-.

i veara. 7A.M'i.U 10 Hire, ittrr or van, covraeu. -iTNTKl.) Hire. Hi nnd Car: or an. covered.

chiaitiul Filly, by SUr Harold, 14.2 Uftitrr a p. i. ii.m now heen working three nnritlis, and it could not work mote FUtisfactoril) in Evening Sen-ice, 7, MiiVlrADELPIitAN (flic Srdnev Ect-lesia). mir.inoyn.!. I'ocklingtou.

VV tor light wi.rk. Ap; ly 102 Boot test, AnTiandale. rutin i eauaie auu iaai auu nyusn, tun btct. we aie more than nnd we think (hat it AUNfTI FOR SALE. Advert iwr effers CAIRN i.kt Jn'tv-inn V-' l.U.O.l TEMPLE, Uibc'Ji-at, near Livemool-st.

close to- doctor or traveller. f.T Painting 1. and A d-y. ltj Norton-it, Ltiichhardt. vyr ANTED to Hire, HORSE an-i Van, with eublins, VV nejr city, new purcliare.

ncrald. witild not be pOHBible to gel a stronger or better en- Ji nfNVll. i Engine, in perfect order, Breaking of Ilrctd, a.m. Lecture, 7 p.m. pne.M for less than haU-prfc.

ion. KCUW CULKLU-tiLj Mf, Urown. Hie Promise of Lile Eteriial. JliiL, 4M. GOVERNMENT FARAI, Randwick A Cli.NCE.--14-bjind Bay j-'t Ttie Annie l)ve is a stropi'ly-built fiO-ton Llchter.

nrrcn l.irvril. Rot ims. n.P.O. Xv'WUH HIIiL. Men's Brotherhood meets In Maannio DLUMIlKIUi and GASFlTrERS, rrt-'ca reqtureti tor n.w o-jtinc-s.

Alplia. Mowbray-road, Willnughby, tjuit-t in hurnuci and saddle. Hxrded PHAETON MORNING SERVICE. I. Church Parade atid Memo-! LJ Hall, 2.45, Dr.

C. Watts, The Fallacy of Evolution. rpENliKKS 'vaated for Bric tNjping ior Ctue situa- in order, a suptriur tuniuiit, together or Pc iiJhurst-rtreet. anil runt, between Mciws. t'-inoirl Uve, and TTfoTOR LAUNCHES "lor Hire, Un und rfliH hi VUV" nd 1 PU XL (i Pi've.

J'U- Bav. TvL. T.llElgec!ifT. sc ine rUrboiir. oTOlOlAUNCiir-S for HIKE, fast and cointort BOLDSHIP TIMBER LttL.

PyrrnoaL rial Service of the N.S.W. Scottish Itifles, in memory NiioitE. Men's BrotlierliiKid, Disiteiiiwry Hall, En- wTntM for Purring. Apply V-V jo i. ninmpn.

RMigate-st. Botany. fUAIJWIj warned for Uyius; on Scwcr. Apply V. p.

m. ti. tlieir cotnraics Who leu cirrim; ine aoiika ajih i -i rd, 3 separate. S1LLL, liuse-btreet Chatswood ilorac.

Cow iu-s, Koacb.t Naval slus, l.ini'kt, TaipaiUiia.Fia 4TO Ueorgc-st. TyANTKD Preauiicr, Dr. MAcKY. INYINCIRLE MOTOR fONSTnUCTION CO. 'L ''d.

I'. I Hay Wir, INSKiHT Into Scrit'ture Tnit'n. Edwd. Netnon, of Mclh-mnii'. lctuns, St.

George's Hall. Ntiu. free. Wwl, WeoLvieh. Twn nn-l 35 "rOTOR LAUNCH wanted t- otUige, brickwork 14 V.

IIaml atoninn. MDtUW for Builditie hr Sz-nd full FATNINO SERVICE. lieiiglons er-ce Oi Pi BUY, HOUSES WTTH FISTULA OitFSY HEIJ.S CURED. NO CURE, NO P'V. OJtUTNE, (ted fern Poft-oOVee.

nit-rt. s. A. Uranch, 23 Arcade, Adelaide. 23 Arcade, Adelaide, INDEPENDENT Sui ritualistic Aworiation mwts every HAWKESBURY BL'ITER FACTORY, Derry No.

1 L.O.L. Prrafb-r, Dr. DILL MACKY. mi uv-nivt l-itticiuars to Iuigih Doge rt. order.


Mrs. hno, Lrojdon. Pf-vehom triit. Madame way), ix-i tnr. Per.

All Invited, EWJlt Stic, 1 Jersey COW, lt qtiarta, estra ch-aite. J. tiatcs. Pretw; W. Pcr.

IL TTVEVD HORSES and Cows bought to 10a bead. Carts, to A. Thorpe, lluwak-r-rd, St. Ives. TENDERS will be received at the societva trnire 1 1 r.Aii-.!u iiivncu ior win low (jottage.

124 Uot. AUSTRALIA. IN XJ with cash, day or nlghL Connelly. M1LVNUUL MOVEMENT nuteriuL Roberts-at, Nen'tn. Rrertw i of oi'ner iaVsts a-e CordlAlly Invited.

GR Charing "cross. T.i-. ti.v, M.A. Young Men Cot'v'--', Frri fat" till noi-ii on WEDMSiDAl, July ror me iauunu 1.TOR Salt-, beautiful GOA'l. guar.

2 qU, dailv. St. 1 Uliiio, Laurcl-st, WTIlougLby. and Worn-out Hcrtes and Co NEW OFFICES on the Showgronnd, Park. and HeaL lPKNOERS for Clearing 12 Acres Scrub Land at at the A.

ll.tany. ApplyE. Iluuter-sL M'Jtto: bought, higher 2.ltedrn. St A 1 VIM 111 VlTIVl' t. .1 V.

i. Ititilrr. Mlllt IjlFill'. Plans and may trei Engineer's Olfice on the Showground ui (Y Ii 711 'OOLLAHRA C11L KCiL isjit Sale, Draught Uoise, -y, iftallten, uny- trial.

E.B. Eagie, George's Knlicid. for Sa. -niiolc for dealerri r-art or' rnBNl-Eia wjtitmi, lor Paii.ting 4 Hoiuttti, Harmer-st, A. hours without a "The repair have been almost JVil.

REPAIRS. We make thtiie Revai'rs a Kv- M-C QUEEN. -a. WruUottnObHo. Apply THE H.LUSTRATIONS DEPICT CURRENT EVENTS TL M.

SOMER. Secretary, Ocean House, Moore-ell Sydney. SCHOOL (IP ARTS. PITT SUNDAY. P.M.

W. T. Al.Mf-. I ttp-iikf on "WHAT WOULD JVSl DO!" i ivuvUirtM for Australia. Mirf Jl''-U'.

1UKER will -ing. 1 Milium r. Neutral Bav auaey. trial, jmj.t u.e;c. ln aD.f thtMit and we drawn and enpwrcd oat ol date r- t'i-i- wu out.

Last year the i0 do all that is required. The smaller job receives B1LL.RA dlfl UM.rS. and. a rmi tif. amro.

TTr ih tiK PuMie Wnrshtp. ot the Ixm." "ire privlltfge of Ite Morning, 11: the work Is very w-ere, over si nil I i'uit imii; uviki nu -in ur uu uui' me Dent IOCS! aniN4 lihOUT ly SALE has STA-tra, fJ El, Heavy Drau-U Hurse. good Iod So CJoods Damaged hv Fire. flTtiNDUts rtn- or Repairing and A'A it; alio Tii-iJ-t. liarc.

25 Myrtle-nt. KNGIJSH and TlfT Georfe-strcct. fWdtter by Uie berft local artista A4aTU CULTURAL FOCTKTY OP N.W. yrt'n n'-iv. n.ilmain.

0ces.J eic, mffe tacts ro to sn.w mat th terry eoni.i CocitalionaL COME HRLV. TENDERS FOR PRINTING. pnxit. Ai.piv ise uoie, rctiri-st, enu i Tv.rr7, r. i vuv mmnc t.TTPir'-vtn the IMPEllUL Engine it IS A GOrv, ONE.

PASTIME, ll-footer, K'ftr. Hero, 2 miiLt sails, pmris, i '1 c- r. i-wiiptetc, let or separate, no tea- i M.B.. Federal Hall, lllaarrs -rd. uibcu lfiacti ii ta iiu.

uouoic or; fPiENDErtS for c-oanccting CotUge "to sevn-r. Apply "Hl Mr. rlheach. Melrose. Aifek's-rd, Mitrriekville.

v-J for" PRINTING a Norun-ftAwidelJ Morris. "What, wny, now we nun. Dr. TENDERS wUl he received at the U. Vvaytc, M.A..

tralrmin of Directors. oaer xcim- lu July 26th, HORSIx mit liriit trork, sound. "Open-air Treatment." -v ct(CH (R -tlney SAciety). Thomas-street, 11 aruate;'ac This admits nf no rommi-it. Engines are till noon on It '1 tWTAL.

llHil. and done by "Fraiili 4 l'srr-. Marnckville. i ti itirr Aim BROTIIErtt. I.IMITEn.

fui.j'ci, "Judgnicnt." Y.vtst- I6 SjLyriioil, North Sydney. iU'V. Aiex. P. Mr.

ti. MARCH AM Aitjt-i) BUSINESSES FOE SALE OE WAJITEIX Continued from 1'age 1 iX for SLE, NEW and ECO 1 1 D. TA NCI t'H, jj' inc. 7. Studies in the S-- ol the fcavreu Full particulars on application.

eyo ud reproach. Ttie and hknt. W. Agent, ll-L Ivoftui street, B-dney. juiiptieil, 11.

ll a-in. -J-. rTbe Sip'r. ibje "The Altar." iimhITUAL M-tttiir. Sun lay Evening, 7.

31. Sri Mi- LMVOYUON. 11 ai.d CLuh-ii." 1-r. lj. fcvcuing uubject, ii.

A. TL M. Secretary. Ocean llnusr, Moore-etreet, Sydney. I in Perfect Order, at

OLTR PROPELLERS GIVE EVERY T1SF CTI0N. i For Speed, For Aimlhirv. For WeMy Places, AtWress: HIGH STItF.irT. NORTH SYDXKY. smre btn, iutry tiULs.

ROCERY RANTED, Price'lor Brickwk. of sptcudid CO.V for SALE. A -riaK Carlton. 1 on or 112 Ht-retord-st. llbe.

10 1 uuircLs, luiis. tr-ia concern, doinp 75 a week, and TTKION OIL EXfJINK, ti itrv rv rn I ULWKTI IHI.L. -Riv. W. it.

L-y irV R.P-rd. ir- dgw-oiH'- Ol N.S.W., 'l-igli lloiisV. top Tenders wanlid. Pair illas, Alex- the innnt thrmnir of all the ill UMI.V. U-fons.

XJ atd Utity; tireat OALL, Village Cart; ao uuall Dog CaiL Horn Sun-', XV tndra t.u I initninoyne. Ti.eda; Brick Kiop and dwelling, all in IsLANa, Rtouern designs, now ideas lor huiue or Boating and 1-aiinth IMwir.s fer -1-fcIVFJI THE MOTOR, tbs Engine that is Ecouomi. and Reliable enough rocKiitigion. IVOlLNiiBY. l-l-l.

p.m., sir. iiwwii. J-pin-tiar hOClETV. Tne lie. day.

urua.uur-bt. uaiinain. ci-t urdiT. Rent i.i. hto-k and plant at vaJua- i .1 V- n-tinns.

IVdby. IVnd-rt. 7 OSDON MlSAfONAItV OC OSHON MISSIONARY -tvc iiiuiurrs. llerulj I i iim anil MamaiSp: r., CULLS.

Selected, light, clean Ongon, 7 K-t pair. p.m.. It. lOWBS, Jrrua 1JJAN.S, trom tl Skt-tcht-s on au-! I-C1 S.VLE, bquare Furniture Va.n, iu gt-wi oi Jcr, ai-out iwi. mt 11,1..

A bcucr It. SI m-j 1 -1- Wl-st, Nurili Sydney. tuimy doct, not exisL Come and it and judge for pLicathin- R. SI vJ. Lvtidt.

Ln-ttiii- ROAD WORK. iV. li-ii ti. Mrs. Ranks, Public irmtM.

M.Ik Carta, Larries, Via. Bradleya, Sai, J. "I LANS. Spec prepaerd, any claa from "li SET.ECT your LAUNCH for coming naon. -We i St-'rd.

C'a'in. Ot.rt. FtshtitT, W. F. KAY, Dulwich Hill i tJa ft c- Paaa-.

UiMttcs, tmiwich Hill. lli fti.isvin. In err. lliariivot M. ranks R.

TOWNS, Hon. Iec A fANLV. Itev. W.L. SUck.

11. "llie Chrift 1 -JA of P. Crahanuj "A I OSii.VN. Rev. A.

Austin, B. 11 'rfl II REV. DR. ZILLMANN latn-trhc-. Call cr write bTDLPY.

Cape's- EARN YOUR I SO WITH ard TRUST YOU It T.irE TO. tised E'cliisivel-- hv Mot Stieeewfnl Fi'HUV OWNERS, PLEASURE POAT OWNERS, and CAN12FTE1DS, FA ft MS, STATIONS, TOK SALE, youn UTM.i'i-l kac ajid S(-' 'rUti. Uattc Cnurch I'roprrty. M-c Jtdy Bi for litre. ii'VRV.

and Businrw. smart Im I Pond -fit reel. Lome. lu6 Bouricc-at. Rev.f:i, LDINO MAGAZINE.

"A HOIT ISO fona' SLAl'K ar.d" COAL." "fit 1 I sLANOBOX RUCCY. tnr l.n.. tnale tai prutit* I rTMIE STACY economlral. m. XT1AVTOW Rev.

ARSAIA7M UEANs. II A.ifc-t. Glebe. Coal. Bos

O.P.O -4iiL lii.t... 7r "5-r. fiiy unnag.Hi. pnee woi-ji l.lim mntA -trrlinc rruality. UK I CRN p.u-.

BUll.ErvMAlPW. R3ATTNG, SHEARING. I OMOTTVES, ELF1CTRIC 1 "XTORTli Sydney Conregatio3. Rev. F.

V. Dow- I "vlCTOR Marine. In perfect order, ling, 11 and 7.15. will give an Address on the "INDUSTTRIAL ASPECTS OF TIIR LIQUOR in Uie DOMAIN, at 3 p.m. on SUNDAY.

(Xmfort. lIROCLR'a CART (or Bute, S-ipring. d.ublc Wei- TT 1 1 Julv nnLDISC MAfiAZIXE. jJT IcJ. iu nc.

A. kt. liiaOlcj, ITTLfc Cnftiontr)-. lovolj- rl.wi I nrau. rmt AGAZINE.

A ia o'clock, aaturuay, u. 3 Mj-rtle-strcct. off (5y-road. TENDERS, endorsed "Tender." and separately enclosed, an- ii.vit.-d tor the followinu works up to THURSDAY, JULY Slst, at 3 p.m.: CONTRACT No. O'lO.!y.tialton road, 300 yds. Iroiistone mai metal. CONTRACT No. 1010. Hornsby to Mount Colah road, 90 r.

yds. mainten-aiK-e metal. CONTRACT No. 1110. Pearce's f.Virner to lrffys-iare, Tbornlrigh, 330 ytU Maintenante Metal.

CONTRACT No. 1210. Thompson's Comer to Tbornlrigh, SS0 yds. main-letiant-e metal. CONTRACT No.

1310. Pearce's Corner to Port-ofucc, Hornsby, 40 yds. maintenance white metal. rjMLF. tjuvA ol ANT GENERAL 1 ltM WORK.

r-Vt-. eleetriclty. Vinx KU, O.P.O. jl'lT-lfl REET CHUItCU. 11 a.m.

and 7 p.m.. Rev. OVER TOO LNU1NI-S DAILY L'SE IN AUSTRALIA. B.A. fiitablt fof me, A y'ANTED, Coaclihotife Boat, or P.o 314.

G.P.O. ii "VIANUFACTURINC. profits SCO per ctmu. prewd nle- splen. oppor.

CampIlr'd 7ANTED. 16ft Hnll'to take tnotoi son. i aj rci. to spi riMlEOSOPHY. rnce ana par- i.ir3ii.-ai.

ncv. ii. oi i iia, ai it, r.u A at 3 p.m., Sim's at 7, Young 1 "r-r uu5'- YUTCHKIUNiJ B.mLcssw.utH. orfamlly' 'trade; 'i-TUTCll familv trade; Ann-st. MvUe.

King's Hall, 132 PhlHipft. Hiinaay, p.ui-Vlr. V. WILKINSON. ITASTED to nuv.

on MOTOR BOT. St-ite wwumwy 'ANT rtioiii (or Motors, must -B, at NEWLAND or '-nop mut Mmf.ILH..BeIi jr i or S. We Iudd inwnnEDs of written' wn personal testimonials TO THEIR WORTH AND SERVICE. All Duplicate sml Spare pum Blocked in Sydney. For further parficidars itpnlv THE LNION Oi 1.

ENGINE ITS Clarenee-Btreet. Pyttney. YOU WILL GET BETTER RESULTS INITIATION ANCIENT AND MODERN 1L6 Ge-jTirc-ktrect 4 oW, just calved, quiet, ic rich niiiKer. wuuni woiud iaTAL'LlL BuclOanil-iitrct: n-ire and rtiei dare. Applv C.

P.O., Clerte. Wat- ana a'NLY. -lhine lor Sale, 'C-jmo, i aiid Richer. J-l'-an- lCj est. Phoae, U7 lUrd.

Single and Ooubk- ljonics, I lauLUa'tteau. ny Single and Lonble Bugi-ic; 'iray, Bcnt-ihatt. Sport. MAltE i vra.siiit cab, Vl Kook lh md Library, -t Rooms, 132 VV liAthwell R-t-w end- Bnrwd XV "Crt-at I hemes U-d. the Object of Rflii.oiL" pi.

Ihpstreet. 'J-J'-'V: I i II.P B. LODGE. 66 Wr mj-w -street, (near pa A Deposit ol a per cent, to be lodged with each .7 f. from business.

Sal- No Now Or. at CAWT.EY Snj Kies, suit ponies or litr-e, irom tiro- J-i Pony, 4 iiJl, mi nLli HAXiK "'tit mu itm i-uAr ior anyning j- I (,..,, SATLTtnAY. ft P.m.: r. lst tender, Snetlfl cations itiit bfl wen on and alter MONDAY. CCOpCTi Psyctdc Phet.umena." SUNDAi 3 p.u Ilcv.

.1. Heckenham. 11. "Wherefore:" July ll'h, at the Council Chambers, dirrmg TANTED, MOTOR Alt NCI niedlnm riw. Price Tfl VV f.i.,1 mrtlm.

w-hon ntiH Iwre xeen. P. TTeralil. How AtUlll was vreairii. E'vS S', ''X W'LKY.

Uke lar-cr part payineaU SALE. But-1uew and BtXter Run. Z. TOR A BUGGY. OR Vr.IlICT.E Mosnian P.O.

I wrty Yearn OU." Anthem. Uhoiniiatttcr. 1 oihee hours. W. W.

KING. 17N IV A 1 11 fl OTHER! IOOU TliEOiOPHICAL SOc'IliTY, VyOOLLAlUlA COM! RELATIONAL OHURCll, rJfllIfi ANTED to "BUY, Wager Rowing" S'HFF. Vl with by l(er, tn fACE, Riverside A 7'LLLAG CART and HARNESS. In exvrd rrtmir: Council chambers, Hornsby, Shire Clerk, (ith July, 1010. OF ANY D'iSCKlPTION, rt'MTUV 1 AITBTIt ILIA.

TIES. Chambers, 10 garden, well furnished. must sell 7. offer. Hayes, 176 Riley-Tt.

Hooded bulky, slidutu si-at, and tlunics, sua rrerv, Errnlntrlnn. PnrramitH River. Rer. REGINALD REYNOLDS, M.A. a.m.: "trove's ihfliieiice." 7.

p.m.: "Nutiuual Uiury." King George's Message. LUKE'S CTlUTtCn, Lr-KRP00L, lu hands horse: llor-a. llcaior'a 'un. und iiir, Those At.TloNS 'arc not in harmony with CJT. prclecti'l (nun HRE EYT1N- TKVnCRS are invited for RENOVATION.

Snecifica- l. hlt Tlllt, THIS C. ASUDOWN CAR1UAGK ISO, Ceorgi'-torefil, fS Newtown. Mown. Ttkc Lcichbardt or AhboUford Car to tor Showroom Doors.

Oct on I at Atnilia street. tionw uva.v be seen at the Rectory, ncit Church, or conv ClTlSliKR, approved nf hy tie Navign ttnn Derrtt nt. F. flREEN ami Mnkerf. Ultimo.

tiL-A I'M ntbic-st ii et, Rcdk-m. I'lUiLAND, Mi Tk.ndl-rd. haa several BUSINESSES fcr 1 I'OasiK, yWold. lfi hi-ndsT t-m." ILlr-f SALE. W) to Conlectioncry, Tciuacco- wU, tertily as to genuine.

4CT1VL Bay UEL1HNG, suit brougham, sociaijle. mem, will Ini urwatded upon upplicalion. ItuoritiuHon sup RUiner's Cantata, "DAUGHTEll OF JAIRUS," will be given on Wrdnrai.iy, 2Uth inst, at p.m., by the antibtid by friends. Principals: Miss lteyde Fniwr, Mr. M'ltityrv.

Mr. Cumtiiings. Conductor, W. Herbert, Organist, W. J.

StcwarL Collection. pncu oy t-Aciii, ijivcrpooi. ity. 0 rnonift. nut 3Cs.

clear proli I WArTTET. TO PTO CHASE. ClLEAillNC-OLT SALE of lloniea und Yiduckii. But- ciicrs'. Bakers', Groccrh', Villairc, Til) Cartt, Spring WINTER SCTII3 OK MKfmNGS, on SUNDAY KVKNINdS, Irom to 8.3U p.m.

Theowphlcal AdilrrM.) on vital nil.joca. 10 t'lrrlnKlon-rtrcct, Vynjanl iUaro, dtj; UN1TKI) SOCllilV 11't, llfdlwn. Sunujy. a p.m. bfMkcr, Stultlc.

Soloists., lion and l.ylor; nCtlttion, tin. K. Il. A I invlud.

TIMBER jvn iiAur- nm ai-u buu travel. 4.41 JJ'5 Dt'-vllltiicbc. CLEARERS. IF YOU INSTALL THB ATLAS MARINE OIL ENGINE. I We do not claim that It Is the cheapest Engine nold, hut we shall be gtml to demonstrate to you that for the amount yun invest you will get cate.r pfllci-enry.

Whyt Becaiiw the Atlas Is of the very hi heat grnde, absolutely reliable, sternly running, and decidedly economical. We can supply all powers from 1 4 to SOO h.p. Ask for further details. ATLAS OIL ENGINE 230 Ctarrnee-Btreet (near Town Hall), Sydney), pAY AND BOWEN MARINE OIL KNUiNS. KEROSENE OR ItEN.lNR TYPE.

RUN YOUR ENlRNE ON KEltOSENE A.ND SAVE MONEY. inaWKENT. costs lod gallon, Benrine 13 n. gal-wn; tlien-fore Benriiie nukes your fuel bill 60 er cent. uns, all Mica; Sulkiu, every dese ii ptiuii Huoried Continued from Pase 24.) rt', No.

Henild iu-c. TXED Bufniiesfi for Sale." cheap. ljlcJihardt. No agents.

1 ITlilTEFiKLD'S titer R1VETT), Dcvoiwhire-rt. net UI TENTJERS are rnvited for Extentrim HT11EET n.KAlt. IOR SALE, SocUbie, Biat 0, Victoria Phaeton, Sulky llaiviefs, 42 CU AslaJcld. vt ugoii uniuat, Xlti; lipcart iMnioat, styusti Sumy Turnout, il'A); Pony, Villagu Cart Turuuul, ui-ac-btrcct, opp.

Anthony Horderiis'. TVn r.ln. lit IX.R Jt Vflrlkin. T.ln. Rnlo, Rest In the Lord.1' Miss M.

K. I AEF.RY, South Court. OO, 8 carts, 2 horses, chnc! practical mail, C3 Palace-st, Pr.t c-rsha: n. Irvllies, or light Trucks. Church Social, School-hall, Wed.

Evening. Sci. V.tii., CS lUs. Sh.irt-rt, F. Ldcc.

AOli HALE, togtthi-r or svparati l.v, Sllili "Piano Tenders close July 30th, 1D10. II." JOYCE, Hon, Secretary-. katber hood triiiuuii box Buy rubber -Trniixn WOMV.N'S 111H1S11A. nrs-M Plan and RpedflcatJmi may bo aeen at the foBowine brake- pretty Creau.y Mare, dark points, years, to-d'av. Robinson.

17 Lni'e-at. Forest Idot. I Good chance. Suddter, P.O., Dulwich HIIL Methodist. Sen he, .30 p.m., Phcimit-raulL etc.

for Sale. 1 iiAi.utir aiaiui. one t.en-- mcriium. suit or. Mi M.A.

(ccwri.1 secr.tary 01 Cold llarncttf, nu deulero, '3o the let. Ait1 aX suburb. Dulw. Hill. dicap.

Charlca-st, FontJUdgt MISSION, rail gauge. Gilli ver, 1S5 Klng-sL I'ixVT, Bought or Soap in F.xch. itTrfBiT wT Castlc. iiN RcBe-st. Darlington, 4IM Newtown, ij TA Ail' A.

Fabulous prices paid Send for free alisv-ttatcd IW. N. Niciille, 14 llunter-st, Sydtiey. ANTIQUE'-Mahogany rnUtire. sTiiall Billinrd Table, Ediftm Jlome linpn.

St), Herald. VVTANTED to Ptrrcliase, Camera, plate, triple' exU, anastigmatic lens. Partic. to Ensijin. Herald.

Uitw Meacher will pwsvw. 'i wi Ni.XT 8 p.m., MiM Either Anderson. Ph.R (National a nv. wu.11 SALE, Cwniect'oiiery rotl stand. 15 i.

1" a5R S.U.E, BOARDING-HOUSE, situated on bei-rhls. Suva, Fiji, suit mother and dantjbler; no aceiv. X.T.Z.. r.O.. Hah- J.

c.o. A. Saunders, jeweller, opp. Railway. CASH or Time Payment.

-ilorrea "aiicf "Vehii'ies. iloraej and MareK, from liorve, Sulky, Har negs, Hi; Spriugdruys, Tipdrays, Dealer's Van, lion-, ILirneits, HVJ; Full-sico Van, che.ip; Hawker's Wflinrori, Hoiyc, Harncsi, taiit country, chenp. Towers Hotei, Ccorgt'-ftTpct, West. opiKnite Fire Station. Sc relarv pro 1em.L ifr.M.C.A..

TO-MORROW, 3.15 P.M.' ir SONG SERVICE ami BIBLE STUDY CLASS. 11 Family Service, Rev. P. J. Stephen.

p.u.: Rev. W. G. Taylor. Subject, "ine One Cen-raL All Conquering Hope of the Soul." own," a p.m.

Rev. W. G. TAYlARt will cive an Address full of i class Apply 10 itelfcrn. 8-apring Sulky, and liarru, any'triuL 11 lot, cheap, ad MyTtiei.t, ncar pCv-nh fpwo gcod rellde Honil.

15 hTir-i." Hit' rC si, to. MmVil CatyrJ. 1'jSOR Sale, Mght van Horse, "etapt. Appry C. Duffy.

WUHain-st, DeJmore. RICHARD WF.PPLER, Dora Creek; THOMAS DEASEY, Oortord; TOM II. UN CI ALL, 48 Newcastle. TTIE EZCEIJPTOn LAND. AND BUlU)LNa COMPANY, 14S York-street, Sydney.

Leader, tne uenrrai Snbiect, "DAVID." Particulars and price to LllaUiurue, rs Or. WEDNESDAY, at 1.1ft Rev. W. AJflJUEY interevt and Instruction, entitled, All men welcome. will speaK, TASTED to Purchase, one second-hand Showcase, alviut lOft rjtt, willi nhelres in.

Ro-t 1 13(1, G.P.O. it ESS' STAND wanted, good second-hand. AHparti-ntlars Allenbv, Box 1173, U. P.O.. Sydney.

1" RSiDliNTIAL Chanibcrs, Potts Point, 0 nins, nt and well furnished. full. M. WnL-tt 1 lltun. Beef, MLied pood" opcni'-i.

iiieap; owing to illnessS8 Abcrcrumhie-st, cit G' 0db" Mil kRnn for Sale, PadtL, witir horse, eart, plant. W. MciKmald, at Madditson-st, Redfern. D. 3-ip.

Salky, slid, scat, exeh. for IC S. Van, ITarn. Lee, Cliiswick-rd. Auburn.

IajTOR SAltE, Ruliber-tyrcd Light Victoria, Angus, in tirst-clusa order. Haying 11 car. Cicap. THE LAC REUS, Li vi r.gst one-road. Mnrrtckvillc.

FOUR splendid young Draught Mares, 10 6 years old; one 1'iuich Marc, heavy in foal; all broken in, and fUnch workers; sell separate. Apply LECTTJKES. every WANTED, CO MUTOSCOPE REELS, J. ArcherT HobarL llena'rinieut ol Agriculture. "Losons (runi a Visit to five Adelaide and Melbourne Art Galleries." Splendid Musical Items hy Mb FOSTVat and Mr.

LESLIE PIPER. Everybody Cordially Invited. Every Seat Free. RAWSON HALL: Miller's Point, 7 Rev. P.

J. Stephen. CONSECRATION SERMCE, Conference Hall, CasUe- TENDERS an ti itA scxiplion, nt W. DWTER'S COACH FACTORY. 144 Kitie-titrect.

Newtown. KEROSK.NK in a FAY and BOWEN gives an Increase power ol 10 per consrtpicntlv greater speed. KEROSENE in a FA and BOWEN does not carbon-a or (out any more Hum Leukine in other engine. "RELIABILITY" Ol WATCHWORD. REMEMBER THE MELBOURNE TO SYDNEY TRIP, 180 knotf without a bitch, ami after engine had been running two years without an overhaul, a tinder engine.

Practical demonstration, Cntnlcgue and papers to application, with full particulars. TJIR ERROTT LEWIS Dlft E(TP IMPORT. Central-cbambeni, 171 Pitt-street, Sydney. Citv 21'tllL gTANDAi fD OIL EWITIST5S HP th klffhnrl At Ior sue, good bus inc-ss, splendid stand, 1 jtsuiiatdc pine. Apply ICS lieerii-a.

Itctltcru. Rockv Point-rond. YVANTBDt Sro-inff-ltaard, fpr Billiards, roller. SUte 1 i.t iyit nnu --rnna, vtieoc. 'om in.

mi iiunterni. AY COB, 14.2. staneb, i table, by CWld" iUrvhT, A TH Hotel, sulUble for Picture Shows. Open-air Concert-, 10NY, 4 years. Sulky.

Harness, suit lady." gem, and such like. vn.w. i village Cart. Harness, Van, Horse, 1 Nt Mixed Business, 4 rooms, rent Vim Gd, 7a fid let off, price- lti. 155 Regent -it, Rcdfrrn.

wed town, ft ycara; also Sulky, Homes, any; trial, together or must wil before Monday. I ROCEWY Btwinefw. togetber with the prcniiscfl. Harness. 10; Sulky, Village Cart, Horse, Tenderers Will he nvmtrMl hnn i-n Imm llfl Palmtr-st.

n.irlliiitlitirnt. WANTED, ANTIMONY ORE. lamdon prices given, 50 ncrjcenL or over. Addrca Antiiuony, Herald. 1AINTERS'Ladden, Steps," t-uC J.

Williams, Cbale er-st, Willotighby. rragn-sircei, ivmxiuhi, QSJ A I. ort h-street. an mora. dwelling, all convenieiicvs, stock at Tain, owner TOURKE-ST.

MISSION. Rer. G. C. Pcrcival.

11, Le- ITla aynikf0ttn.i'rom tne Stary, Moore. CfrYLlSIl 4-ycar-old thickset PONY, 14 liand. very field lUciiig dub, (TMIREK Sulkies, neat and roomy, also small Sulry, leaving ISyd. A Har pain. 118 St, M.iry's-fit.

Cpcow 16 Castle a gh-street, Sydney. wanted. No. A. puny, nnd Uainegi.

chp. IS Denvcnt-st. Glebe. CJIXTY POUNDS enu aecure 2 kd. Dray U.W, G1RDKRS.

12 12, 2ad-han'd, 343. Herald OfBce. SULKY, and I'lARNESS, In lirst-clara order, together or t-ydnry, l.Hh July, 10TO. CONFTRRNCE OF WHBATGROWERS, WITH SPECIAL 11EFERENC.E TO DRY FARMING. Attention Is called to the followina; LECTURES, that will be delivered In KINO'S HALL, 132 Phitliptreet, Sydney, in connection with the alwve Conference; onT.

MONDA lath JULY, 1010, 8 p.m. (1) "Conservation of Soil Moisture," Professor R. D. WAIT, of Sydney University. TUESDAY, lfHh JULY, 1U10, 8 p.m.

"Dry Farming Methods for N.S.W." Mr. L. SUTTON, Wheat Expi-rimenlalitt and Mana. ger (Jovernment lUpcri mental Farm, Cowra. p.m.

tX "The Oreat Weather Crcle." Mr. T. W. noit Salr. Cash, terms, or rent.

3 good Draurht nt const, wotk, x.i lzs witty, Jonrs-ift, t-itima. separate. X1 Hurt's. Tip-drnvs. and Hnmeaa.

20fl rrreach-st, city rrro buildefis. handard" Engines were recently awarded Ihree Gold hand Cinematograph Camera, gd, Jed. and the Award at the Alaska. Yukon W0I der- htate price, A Blacks, O.P.O. ncwrge-strcctt, Hornsby.

I4VU "Sale, Rood MILK- fioni 27 to 30 gulluus daUv. reasons for selling. J- sons of Winter; 7.15. The Cliri5tlan Leaven, LEICUHARirT MISSION HALL, WETIIKRILL-ST. 11, Itev.

C. Stead; 7, Rer. W. F. Oakes.

Evening Subject, "The World's Dislrrss." Solo. Mrs. Ine. Popular Hymns. All Seats Fire, MEN'S BROTHERHOOD, 2.46, Dr.

Edgar R. Caro. "Alcohol" Discussion. All men Invited. AUOUSTI 11.

Student; 7, Rev. R. Johnston. ltL any trial: Villatce Cart. Pony.

12 lust AddIt J. N. FTNDLAY. 1er St Michael'a TOll Sale, Butcher's Order Cart Tiimout. cheap.

Ap- sr0uvir-i. n.jjiLjr rlin lira, for the best Marine and Si wanted, good condition. Price, particulars. BtatKnarV (III Kni-Inn Hi fahl Pony, neat Sulky, nnd Harness, 12; Buggy and Kidiug Yonng -street, Carrington, Newcastle. rll Td.

rr saddle, cheap, atafctes, Haymarkcl. T7ANTED TO PURCHASE, BOARDING-HOC SB Tlje CVh-os Ray Comb nmg V-mpiny, of Oregon, wrote fT0 Painters aniPBuilders. Wanted, 10CO 6-gallon Wrfl Company on March 10, 1910: "It may Ifis doz. So. 12 Cleveland -nvonue, S.

IL "IOOM WANTED. Sccond-nad fnucton, two uioie-Xv eeated Ifuggies, two S.dkles, and one Covcred-in Smallgooda Cart, all perfect ordrr, cheap. 700 cash. Nortli Svdnev to Mosmaii nrcJtaiwL. Home Musion Services both places July 'J4th.

to TjUR SALE, 2 Horses, Tipclray, aud Hamem, 1 had. not later than WEDNESDAY, CYRIL BLACKET, Architect. on. a liAbr-SlZE (8.4 4.4) BILLIARD TAII1.K waniNL trocuiuii -j" RookwnoH. roll parti CJilarH, at once, to iinise, nmi ttarness.

iioyn, tiyae rurk. oo.u-! mum wun our iiuncn "Kunrise, eciuipiicd S. E. lift'. Crrmf.

ritt, Ttt 111 v-TT .1 r' liOK ftXBTtfi HorieTrtMrrtTiargivViTrm E- WKATHETUTA. 113 Wttjgrreet UVf 1 i a.m';""' ilENf. Springdrays, tipdrays, lkers' wt one oi your 20- i.n. Enemies, and i i no tar ai ti. 7 rn ctu nay: ii, iiutier; 7, Iter.

.1. UamitDers fTUME KEELE, M.I.C.E., Sydney Harbour Trust bond -ttrcet, engine la concei-etl, it does Ws good work rk Harpers, Selwyn-at, Paddlngton. VV 1 FRUIT and R. EN (1 ROCERY, M31. as the day Svd.T.

1,91 V'0" 1VI HODIST BSTEN AR CF.I7EB ATI build another -yJSr-nrai? nrri 1 7 1HiNM0.r'1" "'-THODIST CHURCH. TO MORItOW, mn i was launcnnu we expect to CominirWlonrr. WEDNESDAY, 2h JUI-Y, HMO, 8 n.m. -'kinds; 10 Horses nnd Marts, to suit any business. TT'on SALE, Bay Pony, thirk-set, 13h.

tulky -Iir JP L1- JJ Q.ClF. Hotel. VieTcriniblt--strecl. off Gf.rge-t W. IA lunuiw.

iV T. Vallsns. Stanloy--it. Rltwood V7AN11JDt CONPECTIONERY and SOFT DRINKS, I -nui nio wiw two Mines." tup. twin-screw! VV l.

KiW i-onni- iresi-ners: a.m., llev. w. II. Howard; 1 I tlun. State reaMtnahle nriee.

ttnv rj-ifl 7 n.m.. Itev. .1. (1 11 Tiln. TENDERS tnvtiMi t.

iu. (4) "The Dry Farming Congress of America rTUME Tumuut. fi. SALE, Ooat Kid at 8 days, dIso prerioua Kid. Herald.

nhv. Aliercroit.bu-i'l, o.C Gcorge-st West. ,1 nwnillu. Walker. SL Ives.

il.YCRPTIONAL Chance.Mixed Store, aboot 450. IiULl.lAltDS. W.iii.d, Small T.MIl.K. KulT-ljirtn will Ii, held on TI'WDAY, Inih, at and I r-l'- I'rpfidrnt tlm I'onliTrm-e will nrr.l.l.. DENTIAL RUILDINtW at (H.ra its vt orus ana kcsuiu, oenator j.

u. McCOLU au ine em dcmis are fitted with "Standard" Rn-g. Large stocks are kept by the Commonwealth WAUOn and JOSrTPnSOV, i PAYMENT. VilLmc Cart Turnout, 7. Tre- tTtOR SALE.

Ileavv Dntmrht llrvin77l Investigation. Store. Rnmore P.O. VANTr.ll!Si)lif mis. nmnlnl Rn.

W. Wooll. (Oik. J. U.

U. nin5.n"' -ofward their names. rpiMi: lactone. ('jmntlii it, blacksmith, Abercrnnibie-st, off Oeot e- fANTED, (rood paying Mixed Businen or BeL 1 no agents. X.

Y. Redfern P.O. Esch of these LECTURES will be Hluatnted with Jas. Socfsh*t-it. nk-' ri r- rr Suwtcx -street, Sydney.

iwiuwi, ai r. ,1, Lrunwontne. HASSALL and STOCK II AM. Architect. T7TOR Sale.

Brick Dray. Horse, and IlArness. X) Rechait. Irtderick at. St.

Peters. choa 80 iZf. Dm" -SUNDAY. Jul. 17th.,,- cr.u.on,. -tunic, iiorwu. uar. 11. LViacn, 0ConnelI-at Ntw ukuuchi ana iKU, up to 90.

Widow, rTB "DAN -v tur TiPtlUAVS for SALE, also Sliortinit Su kv. tCITRONO. inap Von tn.t HnrnA-T 1 Herald. AS STOVE. R.MM.

Mrt-- 3 Lantern mines. The public are cord hi ly Inritetl to attend. ADMISSION, FREE. H. C.

L. ANDERSON, CS-!) Under-Secretary. rpo builders; 'IN E. Cottle, Tl.ouus st. Alitlcld.

IO 1 Mtrn-rti. S8 Psrk-rd, St, Peters! Urocery, about 100, must have good vr NHE1IK nrr 1 I EN A1)Y H. In n. 1AI)DINOTON M.thodi.t Cl.urch.-lt-v. Ilnold WhFS (PstenO Kerosene SCOTCH FISHERIES HOARD ENGINE, 00Q in Use.

tBabh is Steam. DAN DEPOT, Hlndwihrt i T4noK 8ALB, PHAETON, good order, cheap. M. TELL-BR ED Chestnnt Mare, 14 hands, rrs. MdTS l.T-81,",n"'aira'1fr.

Herald. I1 William. ttrmihW-tt. Croydon. i S.

Urn. A. Onili-i. nS.7'.,." X7ANTKD. Purchase, good Board! ntW tnr c.

pleUen of MOTOR GARAGE, for Mr. A I felt UrNu u. Office of undersigned. Quantities 1 irovi'ded. 'TOR Sale, Square Van.

Horse, thor. stanch, mAFTY PONY, silver mane and tail mriet and JnvmtIffUon' K. Herald Oilice. EM MIS. X1 trial, cheap.

Uiigliton.Sydfnhm-rd, M'ville. Ciinnmiis. Dflbmnrv. TLJli V7ANTED to Purchase, BOAT-HIRING BUSINESS KJ riKo. 17.

1 :V.K?U- 'i- T-'i'l Tarn, 11: Dr. vuah. ti. I ii "'Q nconr r-sirrei. v- AUa.

Cntliu-p. U'lnit R. N. Morris, 7.16. EDUCATIONAL.

(Continued from Page jERMAJf COACH wanted for beginner. Architect, FWS.nV.' nl, '-'Mt. jXCZZ iiimuit. 0 CatlMMll4l.ltf.t nit HJ) wnlw- WrthodUt llTRcwTllenrr vj iirlilge.flt. JJ son, Hay 111.1 rl J.

BEST 12-hds. Pony Turnout in Svdney, suit lady. "IjOR SALE, strong (nll-size'VAN ehean." "Abb1 TAP' lt Norton-, Ukhhardt, (Irocer. 81 Mitchell-st. Globe.

1 1 M-rtdovst. of! Milrhell-rd Alcxat.drlJ t0 BAKERY, count rv "rURT SF.LL.-Qiiict Pony, Vlll, Cart, and Harncai, T7TOR" SALE. 2 Sets of Light and Hhv Van "rfTi 1 P.O.. Newtown. SSL very fast, 10.

81 MttehelUt. 0lbeJ Nl-ft. Ill Cowrie t. HAR-. "15 ARGAIN8 TO-DAY.

FIRF; BALE haT JARTED: I fPiENDEBS are Invited for "Three" Hmidnid' Ytdr(inor A 0.0. vii 11 s. ihOiraran. -r A I Pauiily ricaanre Boat, carry 10 persons, TjTersiaNATS aA mXi. No.

1 Gcorge-st- North. I 32 Metrll rot in it. male mil hmala. tsi, nMt iX7AVF4lLKY Rev. 0.

Berry, "The taiyv Jm h-T. rtTT-ni-- or loss) of Asphalting. 1 smio 7 PoUs! I0 BUTDGE WaT RRt.U Heat Von IIam In No Ooods namaffiid h- Plr etrest. APP'y OoTntiwdore-st, Ne.uvwu, (WHERE TUB GOODS AUK SACaintit?.

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


Is The Sydney Morning Herald left wing bias? ›

The contemporary editorial stance of the Sydney Morning Herald is generally centrist. It has been described as the most centrist of Australia's three major news publications (the others being The Australian and The Age).

What is the most reputable newspaper in Australia? ›

Top Australian Newspapers
  • Herald Sun ...
  • The Daily Telegraph ...
  • The Courier-Mail ...
  • The Sydney Morning Herald ...
  • The West Australian ...
  • The Age

What is the purpose of The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Herald is proudly committed to fearless, independent and accurate journalism as Australia's number one news brand, whilst generating high-quality and informed opinions and debates to help readers make up their own minds.

Is it The Sydney Morning Herald or Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The newspaper is published in compact print form from Monday to Saturday as The Sydney Morning Herald and on Sunday as its sister newspaper, The Sun-Herald and digitally as an online site and app, seven days a week.

What politics is the Herald? ›

The Herald (Glasgow)
Front page for 11 January 2020
PublisherHerald & Times Group
EditorCatherine Salmond
Political alignmentDevolutionist
14 more rows

What is the conservative media in Australia? ›

Major conservative regional newspapers include The Daily Telegraph, The West Australian, The Mercury, The Canberra Times, The Advertiser and The Courier-Mail.

Who reads the Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald has maintained its position as Australia's most-read masthead, with a cross-platform readership of 7.2 million, according to figures released by Roy Morgan on Monday.

What is the most credible news source in Australia? ›

National broadcaster SBS has been named the most trusted news brand in Australia by the University of Canberra and Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism's annual global Digital News Report 2024.

What is the most watched news in Australia? ›

Better Homes and Gardens is the #1 lifestyle show on commercial TV. 7NEWS is the #1 news bulletin of 2023 nationally and in the capital cities – with its biggest lead nationally since 2019 – and Sunrise is the #1 breakfast TV program for the 20th year in a row. Both have ranked #1 every single week this year.

What is the slogan of The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

Tagline / Call to Action:

Independent. Always.

Is The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age the same? ›

The newspaper shares some articles with its sister newspaper the Sydney Morning Herald. The Age is considered a newspaper of record for Australia, and has variously been known for its investigative reporting, with its journalists having won dozens of Walkley Awards, Australia's most prestigious journalism prize.

Is The Sydney Morning Herald app free? ›

The app is free to download. You can unlock unlimited access to all content with a Starter Digital subscription through the App Store.

What is the main newspaper in Sydney? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald is the most-read newspaper in Australia, with over eight million readers as of 2021.

How big is The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald is the country's most read masthead, with a cross-platform readership of 7.3 million Australians, according to the latest Total News readership figures released by Roy Morgan.

Where is The Sydney Morning Herald headquarters? ›

In person. Drop documents in unsigned envelopes between 8am-5pm, Monday to Friday, at our street address at 1 Denison Street, North Sydney, with attention to a specific journalist or to the Herald investigations team. Include in the package your Signal, WhatsApp or Protonmail address for return communication.

Is Boston Herald liberal or conservative? ›

Boston Herald
Cover from February 3, 2013
EditorJoe Dwinell
Political alignmentConservative
Headquarters100 Grossman Dr. 4th Floor Braintree, Massachusetts 02184 United States
9 more rows

Is the Herald Sun conservative? ›

The Herald Sun is a conservative daily tabloid newspaper based in Melbourne, Australia, published by The Herald and Weekly Times, a subsidiary of News Corp Australia, itself a subsidiary of the Murdoch owned News Corp.

What is the left wing news media in the US? ›

Alternative news services
  • AlterNet.
  • The American Prospect.
  • Common Dreams.
  • Consortium News.
  • Current Affairs.
  • Daily Kos.
  • Democracy Now!
  • The Empire Files.

Is the daily Star left or right wing? ›

Daily Star (United Kingdom)
TypeDaily newspaper
PublisherReach plc
EditorJon Clark (paper), Andrew Gilpin (online)
Founded2 November 1978
Political alignmentLabour (historical) Politically neutral (current)
7 more rows


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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.