The Register News-Pictorial from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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3 religious news MALCOLM REID HwMr Btfftftt £2 74 tenianb view of th caae Adjourned for WE ABE THE XLT IRM THAT ClVKA TTS OLUrtTIftG teexpeetod to brid exnetly the attratfoa MO OMAROC VOS MOKMBi BUSSELL did Mt know why Dr labteMaagtae Prine Albert Hot! Gawtar th at Merly tl(Mi ta an irivas the nRAWR cnbT for tte irst Offenders Art cr three Months th debate LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL INSURANCE NOTICES The ii WVQES asked the Chtzf 11 HECTORS: 1 in Th CHIE SECRET ABT said te had tn KNttXsTBEET on CO Aw 0 IRS Xo the ffi LECAL NOTICES Lxrevton bated this It tetud husband (I) grant to th appiirait the legal custody at her children or (3) direct th fROESSiONAS far her use to say officer Auctioneering if coweroe1 witv carrel fa an i ralaii Ttasntmi iteldna Octuper 11 A iburt TO PATENTS ANO TRADE MARKS Urv Murray proved over fond aUoartaaca Ucng A prtj the Chief Secretary a 8 that JEAN HEADACHE WAERS IMPLIED for un le PRODUCE MARKET REPORTS MIMhMt ADELAIDE PRODUCE MARKET HOW TWO BEAUTIUL CHILDREN eotaeiors' tafaea H'L to Hd Brink demand era 1 ptioiLcriDN rm He tyrant and cruel awl did 1 IXtf Hl ruit ad IE cabbages ad to la cauli I BROKEN HILL PRODUCE MARKET Dj that Mr ii erica Cberttaro hare weaker tendency lor Bacon flraiirut th was but uoe i ft eraor the higtet lil fot ra ti tn tin Docks tad ECZEMA fore waited were oe i th ir I'l Jd itv GOL Sira OosnoU a relation rf faaohvatfa The MtKtae I to iVr 5 if "ION 1 17 3 10 raid they wanted eonodiatica they did ntt loot a tl raw of stirring ep feetiag Th etate Mot of th Chiri Sworettry should have bees would lead to a tatter coaditifln of manage sent sewn food at least would arise from ths Office vtaues Th GJ rXN sored that th Select KBsittee haro leave to ewnd tii tm nrtnjiog up their report till Wednes of hi ujsht base nixie When th oHmt the latb and ke cowpetitioa and sewfaewry Itraaty Median Tnrk ys bad begging alm and wm month with hard labour tea andurtxagraratt the feeul boon obtained at Lake Celiabraaa tat aneb sore ma una be by Mirras Uerritoa and HiisQu and Meest Hone and Jolly whatever at arising On tax puted Is 1A fduuB aireei Adelaida of defendant cattle Mr Harris for plaintiff Mr Budall fee defendant wbo THE SOUTH BRITISH IRE AHDMARIHEKI3UMICEC1 eerioua were those relating to tb rn1 rrhr sent of funds at riendly Socialiea and if the great ITeeiiteet unatwed tbmwteat The Rev A Melter pieior a( the preaided Tbe Secretary' aoU rn aswer'a reirta were both al an eecourwvM uiture Altogether tta al verury wm mart MJcre suL Dnta bait la Genoa an i ns tu ua asete out th penalty (Laaghtar) The defendant wa arrested by Gxporal 5oUe at MdJuUach'a Station near th mm when be handed over th watch saying that Wales and one twel ssauiha i Victoria His Honor eaid he did not consider that fraaHouy Rin a void watch value £1a Pj toon Gawieron Jun 93 The ceoaittoe appMatod to report oe th finasrial tai of tb Order brought up tbeir report wtieA adopted Ihey recoauerodcd that ill married immberspayla 3 A per week m1 high uei of th Opposition apeiart the Government t'Ta Hon Ward "Tuat cciUimc tazc nor is it true He sxid what be briieved The Hon WABD would endnuvour to be DR A WINO BOOM SCITK is Cre tooae awd tatob Drwuig Bom talc Cretnaa atainwb Gawkr formerly heensed victualler ad jonraed final beartag Mr Andmam for to InMlvent Mr A Daries for th Otfiaal Baerivar The Aeetnstaat reperted ADJOURNMENT as ra Ctounetl adjourned the adultery complained at ha been condomd and not revived or if it shall proved that the applicant is of drunken habita er has omd utted adultery Provided that the husband tui not condoned or connived at or by his cruelty wilful aegiact eeiaeonduct coo dueedtn neh adultery or drunmn foraariaa and aupohed certain paper andcBonata and elaiM to hs dan aS is hie power He state that he paid Mr Ctoasioil eomhf Hi Honor suggested that the besr ingetamld ta adjourned far a week to allow rhe October eonipcdtiui far the Adelaide Golf Cib'B mrvul medal ttauuM Unkt a Saturday last and remtlted fr Mr Qrg Miee with a art vcoee of K' Mr smeta wnmtng tb tt and cr wee Hal Tta an chant st anateseat but a week nMnta vtowe wed intihrr eMk1 delay Mght sob Mr Addmon Iftbedm mmm were continued and Mr Addition prevailed peeh wen data voted conriiiation would ta mpomihle Th HmaT KIRKPATRICK eould made it tapewiU for ttaaa to coetiao ike exdiaMMif tta Gov ram ret tadaot umtortakea to meet be expewe Tbe Art School baro done good work daring the year Tta Director report ttaA tta number oftedvaw is tta Oeetnl and bnaeta aetaob token toe tar tta UrgMS that ta ever been recorded The Horn 3 GUTHRIE regarded th ameudon a worse tuan tbu original motton It vetoed to him that they vwe uot look i rut on tbu matter wroporly meuuieri said they were aerin a a Cuunjd an i not a ropreet tatire ot tne peocle If they wished toaetm that way thev should ivr a priu'c meeting gold tissepieee did net ocanend ava tL Tta lmaa factory prmto mor aodceabl thaa ia xtar lioa akbougb at yreat tta dmaatf to far teeuiem batter for petting Soency £218 Ik Sd Th imoivaut state that in March 18HL bring unable to work a abourer having net with a severe accident to Li hand he took the Excelricr Hotri Brampton His wife aariated him with fflffi part at tuuaer nfaed hr a mortgage on pro perty at Portland Estate Ele Isfl the Were Rescued from Disease and Restored to Hesltlf and Happiness by Sarsaparilla ref rtshmsnt accused shouting" and shortly afterwards the prosecutor mimed hi watch He never arid it wa taken a joke but ex pressed tbe opinion that Cuthion ought to cos under th irst Offender Ast and get three month LAW AND CRIMINAL COURTS Mart DMrMBtog df Skta Disease iMtMUy Mtotmd by SUPREMK CRIMIN AL SITTINGS to la Id Lard 44 hi Almanta Ad kernel 8d to Nd imatand far poultry i wovaewtax alack ud vata ia canngacnc enator aitnosgb tta bulk of tu wa aeeediagly poor Prim yag rotn CA to la mixed pro of sued gaaUty i 1 3d: poor 3d td 10 i id I 7d Batter factory to IM weedy Use water prim dairy od ropamtor to HL mixed aad vtovee 7d weedy Aid 7td Grace pro market active: all Mbmined realimd to Bacoa veiling well ham Iliicta "A Ctaev choice brand i gmd aid toriL Potatoes brisk at Briar Bb Honor Mr Jmmo Buudoy and Juri Mr MeM Glym for th Crown iii? cwfijratu ax If he had embarked upon career at crime Th detectives deserved credit for tbeir aatuteMM in watching and bringing him to book He had Council i Th Chief iz Aa wiuMv in Anntrali I iw or and clipping Mr Hamp far plaintiff Mr Smith for dtndnt who admitted 133 16 aa due iar training and feeding and pleaded rot at £11 1 for wrongful and improper clipping whereby th dfndnt was ingot tbe wrtatisv Tbe tamp na through tbe avptalted floor Th Hem MARTIN ttatht it would wrleaushla to gjv th information asked Toe ITo DUNCAN agreed with Dr CutEpheli that the Chief Seerrvary mivht take the tfnunri! nto hi to trims extent I week they adjoarued witkwu aroa for a re won and no they wer naked to again adjoarn a mattor at grave importance withoutay rorooa bring givam He wa a aumou a any one for an amicable settlement of thi matter Mr Addieon hri arid that it had bron mad priitical question but that had not ben the case in tb OumoiL Tb Hon WARREN understood th re i red i prerr i omier Wueviaaai Hperwna ia ajux All devrinpmema that bad taxon pho rise he bed moved tbe morion bad ahowd Gawjx Tfisdat Orrostt IABefore Mr Johnstone SM oiwm Kroiux ISVS Itaae redae ioa togriber wilii tta in paatswM A'vlaiC'paua od rrt ii CA2UEH to months rill bar been guilty of (a) entity to bw or any of her children er (6) adultery or (d daaertitm or (d) wilful negieet to provide tateby ttat ALLXANDLB nrCHBM TURS with MarbK riihn that all detacMinn jo including eo hoafd be pos poned but if say pnvaz gaatleman er mrv body of Churebo wished tea 1 coegratulatioix tbrro wa whing to preheat ttuna from dong ao Seeinr th drim rf th Government of th vsHTus eelowe to refrain from seeding eoe with hb feeling Hi believed that even member oi the Council wa intenaely loyalTte Hou every Tse box member wm cot at hi best i making that remark He was bttto bit Betti alut tAe City ArtGaliery tm tad a vatuUctvry number of vuitoro deneg tta year Thto to partly attritataMe to tbe loan exttang at pAttne with tbe Melbrorae and tydmy GaDerto Tta Board have aiii Mart made bottwwxrd xrwoon Chi bch Tta aenivwimry of tbi t'nurrh wax cetotaaiM on Mutday Ortotev IL Three errp' were belA conducted by Mr Virgo th Rerv Morton and aeBt vloaton were employed Tta iccr a infamriaan abent th matter in thslaHtohly mamhemef to bar bell Magaiwv Th Hen ULLER haeaff that while thar was chasm at reewmwtiitin th debate would be portpened Tta Hon I STIRLING wnridwtotta postponement of tbe debate while there wa a a iue ic' i a vr LAito't zu 4tnkuj tel held f41uwvd in the erruiBg of by tta Bet Jtu on tta "Goad in wtorer in rn tut twin a iuu WKnptloa und i Id managmtoLftl Bene ofant Mten wd faiuw friame reaamprittr IJ wP i POLICE COURTS AntLama: Wedxxsdat Orrosn 14 Before Maarx Gordon SM and AWxtt gale Dabiaton wae ordered to pay £1 Ia for drunkenness Waaihaate acknowledged having mad ua of indocent language in Wright xtrtta on (ictobor A and was fined £1 aod coete lax found a in toe Park Land near Mile End and that if ta had been charged with haring property supposed to have been aaoleu he wuud tav pleaded guilty but ta did not steal them Tta Jury found accused guilty He said ta knew nothing about tta affair Hi Honor ddresring Bragg said ta tad heea found guiitr of on of tta moat serious crimes ia thu calendar and ta from th records that sltltough ta tad only been in tta cr kmy four years he had been ceoricced LOCAL COURTS Adkiaid: WtoxUMT UcroaxB IBriura Hi Honor Mr Cauumarimivr Rumirfl SM Hour £17 ti for training and feeding the burse Sham Ik PMWP Carveros Ivy Lodge PWP tvwaru i au vuuuini were adopted On tbe isrraimrnil ti a XAdiUtre tta ImvIm vmm ad foe tta ix isnatbs as Ts th uneral Ttaaetkmri Mr Wuri and ttKre who were supporting him ws ili edv i The Council should support the nt in ttair desire to remain toyal to aa arrangement mad with Vietnrix What an outcry there would Lave be if a member ra the opposite aide at the mse had proposed to do soeb a thing Last week tbe ro waa a drvtaoa amount tta Oppsitnu and the Leader aid be would on remain in it but sow tawaeatthebeadof attain agaix and tta aetioa that Hy was not prompted by loyalty to tta tiiat iieh sLeuM not ta taqnd by Le order of rriM tta wfaolo upital in now Tte Hm A IL ADDLSON hop! tta motion nnid he adyounwJ been ue there wa PUBL1C LIBRARY MUSEUM AND ART GALLERY ANNUAL REPORT Wednesday afternoon tta Minister of Eduearioo laid on tta tUe of tta House of Assembly tta report ri tb Pnbhc Library Museum and Art Gailary at South Australia far tta past year After referring to alteta mm tbeersMsad at th Board Mtnagn mant making mention of tta loro of tta enargete and valuable services of Mr Rees particularly on tta ine Arts Committee a note is marie of th late labrarian Mr IL 3 Benham whoa fate was deeply regretted Mr Benham hrid thepoasrioa for apwards thirty right years Tta report than went on HAMBARD REPORT ku*msDAT OCTOUS 14 Tie pBSsoccrpir Bat sri tocktta Chair a 2 THE BRITISH EDUCATIONAL then 'ute a cliQd so tnc hi rerm ertmdei over a greater toarth than that of Her fvjev reign of th: King wis 4 hal 's Mtn 1 memtare au'e of mied a to Throughout the world AyeUg Sarsaparilla is noted a blond purifier And a tenic and invigorator Testimonial to its worth are to be uuubered by the thousands and come from all tbe four quarters pf the globe One of tbe latest is from Miss Mary Miguie a weil knoivn Philadelphia business woman who has two nephews both aged live years Elliott Maguire and Walter Kester Out of gratitude for the cure of tbeir diseases by Sarsaparilla she sends us their portraits which we reproduce above and writes can safely that fiamparill bav tired those children much agony and prhp Umu Uvvx St ttay were bare not owi dilr is doctor fees La been spent npo them and ttamUymedirina ttayhav taken has been tbe Bar xapanitx They Srst tw years ata half ago They been strong bat re never exactly sick tin tban It wm rty ta tb sprfa*g ata tech children wb tra ewhrt of almost tta sam aga fen nj at tbe same tim Tlivsr treubl wm cMely in hi stomach st first He bad vtafoat indh getioaand such aa early age that was somethmg alarming Then ezema made ns appearance These uahealUiy eanditleM were Ux ly The UtUe boys yM" tags to Moteh up sad rvptfoM made ttair apne iran With Walter Ii wm different Bis arms and the npper exit 'i bis tegs wet bwdly swollen and th reins seemed stead out like purple eorda Be ah h4 stomach trouble wIPeh was inherited and pretty hard to getsedtehie toeare tta Red dieeaaee Hawerrr I had sn Ra arparin tavertista to cure swb ease ata I got a bttte at ft ata rave it to both bnrs Tbe first bottle ywtaseta a really remarkable eLaag It wa wanderful Then I began a regidw A rer fiamtanUa treatmeiiL I gave the medWne teem tfnec time a dav Tta blood Wvubte dtoappearta aod tbeir ekm etearta up eptendMty Ttera their stoutacM rX brio eondtUoa again blue that time I have given ft to ttam regularly rery sprint They have got so ured to ukhig ft ta that seaaea that wtaa 1 nW a 4ae they say Auurte yon forgot our They have never had say otter medieta whatever ata that akm has eared them and made ttae dMg and tardy 1 eowMer tbe tampariBa a wonderful mndklno Sarsaparilla they wished for an atawaMe rewetnant of tbe affair did wot taller anything at tta kind and did eot want it It had been made Sraly a prilticaJ qurotiurv and ihe would do tatter tn adjourn th motion without any di maiou or without tta Goveraeneut ginng ttam aay informatiox Tta remark of Dr Campbell wro a strong aipament ta favour of Break faith with be appointed to prepare the tadroM Rf JOHN BAPTfaT Urvii i retted aeortof oi a The silicon to tar gcion a to roe Aytnre ami ifa mav aurcitote told of bit pmrad wry entenaimor A at ttaak ta tta lecturer pivyuiMii tn Mr Gilbert sod tecroted by 51 tf Guote wa taartlly canted bj an appreciative a i seme Bazu ar Gues A 4 the Glen Gunoiri Imutnte tir ia aid the and now beis fortho*rvetira at a srbonl buildup ii coM' cttoa with (Annvh The niiatr was rnd br 4 Aariocr Ttaetaowre rtaiteet Mh fL Mudfo Treteurer Mr Green decretory Mite Wiilsurt and a wtckrng eemaiuee of fit aroo an i asc rtame I that it was I tj tanl ta AU thj cilxuis eixould act gratnlationa at present if tta Council tn order to meet th ani of Mr Ward carried th Aion th addreM would go with very bad grac uatesi tt was accompanied by aa address from th otter H'Mtae It would te a rejection upon tta Government and tb Amamhiy if oueaddfom wm Et and tot odo from tta Amenably ahe He could no auppert tta nwtum in tta face of tta oojectiow retted by Ker Majesty herself At sit proper time would enter into th euogratolatfona heartily a any one The Hon RICE had listened with plroaure to the speech srhich wa one ot tn test expremiotM of loyalty that could posuoly oe offered He recognised th diffi culty in the matter They should seek aom method of overcomtag it aad ADDISON Auenofttcit BunvYOR valuator LAM rtROAS AMO imAMCtAL AcAMT auetOri CrtAWASJtX WAfMOUTM OT MLLAidS TO LtMf saouid ta jn a to th vote of aiv tn di 'idul nremSer of the CounciL which would a bn sea ni an rairewnt then tta Council oaxbl not to acree to but th wr wiH be sent to proposed to MARRIED WOMENS PROTECTION BILL Second resdine Tta CHIE SECRETARY ia moving tbe second reading mid th BtD wm to prosect a married wonum who might be ill treated by her hushaad aad who in tta preoent stab of th law tad no elrim for matatesianc exoepS by appeal to tta Supreme Court divorce or judicial sepTslion It had formerly been held that woman who appalled against tbe cruelty of the Government bad a claim for maintenance but in the ease of Bristow Bristowe it bad be beM that the woman bad ao claim for maiattmsare as under the Destitute Act rite could no beheld tote pseeon without mean at support Tta Bill would give relief to a wife who wm 3I tteaSd by ter husband or whe childrea were lU tieated without an expencive pel to tbe Supreme Court tor judicial separatM or divorce Clause 3 Any married woman tieu ae wsssry tat this Ums cot alter the fast ihui tthjy hv iam aide to make tbe addirwus to tbe PsbUe Library wtaeb are orcrotiy needed Tbe dtataisbed iaesmv tax eampetlv the Burd to ee numis during tbe smt jau to extrot which Las bee aiiae patainf to th enelves injaniMU to lbs iastitntianv aadvr tatr care The Mseun ha boro well attended by th public durc the year seder renew and the new bmldiag suuptas a meeb aesded tacmae to tbe limited a cummnda tiro enoeriy afiecded by tbe norther aiif oi tbe Library Tbe additional specs hick tbe library has How about Mr Hamp aid stat it wm necessary to prove that tne accused had received the money aod that some on had stolen it There wm no evidence of stealing and a rmpouribilisy rmriiij nn th aecneex His Honor did not consider it neerwary to prove who stole the money Mr Hamp cited Re Adams Carrington and Payne BX: Regina Partridge 7 Carrington and Payne 551 Regina Smith 3 oster and inlayson 123 Mr Glynn urged tta improbability of th note bein carried about by tbe aroused for two months white be wa staring the hotel Hi Honor directed tbe Jury that there wm no evidence against tbe accused and ta wm acquitted Tf supported He ie eountrv ml cjoH go on bettor an Mr Tbre wm a Governowat WHEN ALL ELSE AILS A warm bath with Cuticura Samp and a single application of Cvtjcura(ointmCTrt)d)ereat Skin Cure followed by mild doses of Cuticura Reaolvcnt (blood puri fier) will afford instant retef per mit rest and sleep and point to a speedy permanent and economi cal cure when all other methods fail ateo mid he intended writing to Rigg about it Af raraM made a statemeat to the Jury to the effect that ba only took the ttmqaaoe a jote They were drinking togattac and ta suggested to Biggs that be should arind bi watch for him it wm haaging out of hit pocket He intended to giv it hack but had some more driak Tta Jury attro some deliberation found the accasd guilty" Hi Honor said to M1 quit sure th Jury tav arrived at a reasonable ecocinwoD You have had narrow recap you do this kind of thing agri I agree with tta Jury but srauld recommend you not to try practical joking 5 have had a vary narrow escape Take wara Cushion who i quite young fellow wm then discharged and left the Court BCBQLABr Zraesf Brinye (24 wm charged with break ing into tta dwelling at Mr Hum and stealing therein a gold bracelet and otter article value £22 5 at Mite End on Bep temLer 19 QUARANTINE BILL Third reading Tbe Hox STTRIING aaked the Chief Secretary this was a Bill in which tbe form of tbe enacting danse wm cooreroed if be would pursue policy that they atauld not attempt to dml with it until the Hou of Aroemllv had conridered the matter TheCttTE SECRrJT tRTmoved that tta Order of the Day be read and discharged Canted MOTION OR SITTUiGS THE COUNCIL The CHIE SECRETARY tbe Council st it rising adjourn till Tnewiav next at ciix'K Bill bail ao Pon ADKLAJDBt WtDXXSDAT OCTOBER IIBefore Musas Johnstone 3M aud Cleave CWries Htmn a seatnax was charred on rtataod srith having disobeyed tbe lawful roaunands of Captain Gooarhim tbe steamer WoaDoom xiloo at Port Adelaida ou October IX Ordered on bomd rrdratek Ieskefey was charged by William Aahtou with taring stolen two pig viued at the pcopwty James Mead at Royal Park cm or about October 6 Tta informant identified a pro produced a the property ot' Mr Mead The amend wa in his pnesnaion st Mr Mend's pirgeey on Sunday totar 4 Remanded till riday bail tains allowed defendant in tta sum of and two sureties of £15 each StepAen TToom and redertek Unit pleaded guilty to Laving fought wih each other at Alberton cm October 1U Each wae fined 20 aad coats ia default fourteen bwtttwg Patrick Daex 22 wa charged with MouioxJy receiving from iorrie Sunpecm a watch and ottar arttrim value £16 cm Sep tember 8 knowing them to have bee A witness John Rooney tessifiad to tbe goods bring takim from him by a wmnaa named Simp mo and A Myers pawnbroker identi fied Duggan a tb ma who pawned the Hiwdmabsb: Wedsespat Ottokkr 14 I Before tbe Mayor Mr A Ralph) Marr fticr wm fined PJa for drunkenness cm tbe Port road tenpe parti art wred ritem ajrt haadfui ot pin and art to di ptny tuetr txate ie milliMry A cummittre of ladies i appointed to tefige th multa which wert to she leadt aot atari atytikh or mid a prixe wax awarded fur th ww snrererf! attempt A pate entitled The lariafa Mandae waa imuad tn cwnnectun tbe bazaar aad met with a ready calc at cwoun ratire price The entente ieelaled aa article by the tav klude oo onaliux witli the hixtory of tbe cowsrtHp luriu tbe evening a auukal EmgraiBme earned oat were reniored Mnu ksco atd Mr Lfi Tu aad dset by Mimes and Goidaack Mr Brtxtea per formed with tbe India dubs aad Mr sad Mta Taet played an oierture Mr Tuck aeo acted re areonpsiuet Tbe rallboldere were Mfttwre WtLMadieaad TGniaadMimMedie lutioa nring to ttair foot giving three cheers and ringing mv to Quoea That wa tire knd at tovalty ta Hon A tl Pteaty of acme stout Imughter) not adjourning a motion few weeks Mr McGregor who wm a jwwr member of th Legislsture and very enlightened wm altogether wrong ia his stato moat that the Council had never pesviowsly en its own behalf and renpcatability addreased message to th Queen or memten of the Royal amily In I8H0 sack a Tims gw wasent Tta records aad tbe term of the addressee were avaitehie to asstat th at th Court would not a divarea tboogb it would have tbe mm eSect judicial wipratinr Clan 12 prorated ttaethsSpsaal Magistra might vary or discharge tta order If aay fresh evident wm adduced dau 13 taid If the parries were reeooriled and lived together again the order might to discharged a Stere would he iniamftj for it If the wosatm who tad obtrined the order by sulne qneat miacnaduct rendered herself unworthy of aM taanee the order sbo be dw charged Clause 14 dealt wilh the procedure of tbe matter Ctono 16 provided tit it read If any husband shall lai) to comply itb adv order for maintenance under this Ari or taall tuoiret interfere er attempt to molest er interfere with his wife in her manner of Kring contrary to any order for relief from cohabitation or shall mutest or interfere or attempt to molest or inter fere with any child contrary to any order for custody be shall be guilty of an offence amast this Act puni table by a fine not exceeding tea ponuis or by imprisonment with or wittout hard labour not exceeding two esletuisr Necessary power were rivwa to enforce tbe order of the Court aad A A I at vrbo had obtained the protection of tta Omit: under tb proportda contained in the Biii Tta mMMure was etesr ft sres ftnr ied nn an Imperial Statute the provisions of whieh gave the neeessarr protection to women unfortunate enough to tav a brotal or craet huaband Tbe relief already afforded through an appeal to the Supreme Court wm practically beyond tbe meatM cf tbe poorer da Tta Hon STIRLING secured the adjoumm nT of tbe debate till Tuesday Octo ber ELECTORAL ROLLS CONTTNTANCY BILL A meaaage reerived from tbe Hmm ef Assembly stated that thev had agreed to th amendment made by th Legislative Council INSOLVENCY COURT Adilaim: TvnDAY Octobu 13 Before Hi Honor Mr CummuaiaaM SXLj re Jms Sutton Sazby of Adelaide ctamrit adjourned final hearing Mr Vamlrey fur insolvent Mr A Daria for trisue Adjourned fcr one week re William WixaL of onxmutaou agent adjourned final bearing Xlr Hewiuon for tbe Official Ro on ver applied tar an adjournment of three vreks ou account of auttletsent still pending Appbeation granted in rv WilliAin Aidwell formerly at th Grange and also of Carnngtou street Ade laide final bearing Mr Michell for tta insolvent The Accountant recocted Liabilitiea Ita lid ml: de ficiency £99 IS lid Tbe insolvent states that be was solvent on June 1 189x His debts did not exceed £30 alttfe other and ironside Tahiti portion of this was a balance at funririJ andtedieal expense His household formtureroe irably esrivd that amount and tb aarplm he believes was iully £30 About thi time bi income being matriiaily reduced be "11? txnasciallv embarrMsed and eventually insol vent Tbe nse of inariyuncy are thus stated Loss of iocoa being without psnnsent fire ewutta July to November praui a' ccvjx ls a mbatoarial punisbmetrt and if cam before tta Owirt again it would to at tbe riak of a much longer term He wm entitled to give him eight rears but bring a voung man ta would affara him a chance our imprtsem*na with bard labour Georyr Rrortt fftay (M) wm dterged with stealing a banknote vata £10 nroperty at Louis Curran at Addride on April 2L Mr Hamp for tbe defame Th proreentur who i a member at th Sal vation Army stationed at Malro gave evi dence that white staying at tta Codec Palace Hindtey street on April 20 be minted a £10 note marked Ibtlff" which bad been in his tnxraers pocket Tta evidence showed that tta accused wm arrested in July for another offence aod tbe note era found upon him A statement which it wm Mid tbe ancoard bed made in th Adelaide Gad wa read to the effect that ta got the banknote from tb totalizator as a dividend He had aud Ward (teileri Majority of 3 for the Nore Tta moriou wa declared carried Tta Hom A OSIN SON called tur a division which reunited Arts Hous A Addison Base dow Biro Dr Campbell Dune uller Hlm Martin Sir Smith Sorting Warren and Ward (teUcr) Nosa fi Hons Adams Charts ton Gutbne Kirkpatnck Dr Magarey McGrejpr O'Loyhlin ttaaseU and A Eoaimoo i toll ar 1 Majority of 3 for Ayer The Hou WARD moved a Committee of thro coasstmg of tbe Chief Secretarv Hon Duocax and th mover be apputated a Comouttee to brm up the address Tb CHIE SECRETARY said aa tb aldre wm contrary to the wish of Het Majesty herself be preferred teas tbe majority who carried a sboud draw it up Tie Hox WARD substituted tte certted The tiorerttnout were willing aad alwvrshad mlbny The PREffDENT matt xk tta Rx th luoer to confine himself to grting reamns aU aiue from Crystal Braik Aoout eighry i ur pynlj I rtw3u Th WRD ta mlwi Ee blew the district Wien it wx murt ly a staeprux Le saw Px Pitre Caere wm only a hed therti Hi had distort 'relap mt tee great settiereret it wm to day '7aruj vn lan iiariy kuuwx eve tta nm bfor the railway a i nii i a the times before ths rvlviv the Gvi raanut put a well tu tr to 'ovctiirTire oi The wa later oq railed Vi aroertown in 1 th 3 Xilb Aintralix ki tbw district bef ro there wm The iltbrie I They deMr I is tta nKiiior a celebra tion of wiit had tever pre' KW hanpen cd in the RrinMi aod a loyalty to their 5riwrciro If a private meeting were held With die object oi ending reifefe tii Coon ii a a Council ould not bo taking ictiix If his mrtion were passed Ru'h Aiuiralia woul i not uolatin herself from the other colonies Ttic Cuacii as a unit in Sruth Austmli and'nlt ctiijht tc concraruLue alrietty tiefjcv ho bid takea aecwu he hadaaxed tbe if ttav had seel a uvr aye Tta rph vs progress and there ia a eeasidenible iacrew in the aaaauat of chiaa palMlagtarot in the setert kilns Tte Art aad fietener ExaiainMaons conducted uthlar tbe Board' Mtbsnly bare now ecmleed tbsir first Oemda ad tte faliowiM figures stewlag tbs work white tas tee done dttrin the ma aad tbesuccemea aehwved are net without interest or the Local Art aad Science Rzataina tioni tbe paper worked dariag tbe ten van wree aa ni we Kcmiagtoa Exuniaattem papon wvkrd daring tbe tre years lLS paasedfilk Warks seat ta Month Kensington fur eaamiaalia during the ten years 9 2 Stt pted Tbe suburban ata eoeatrvlnxtitutes ccutinne to make steady progre Tta total number of affui ted cm Jobs SO 1S96 re 157 compared tn 1H needs Imx yww The statis lor tbe year ending June 30 LSb also thaw an increase over those for the ererinus year la every item cxesp: tta total of tta aunual tnxme in which teere is a small tallins off Tbe Pub Uteary Museum ata Art Gallery Act 186 which was pMied lt osaM seabird tb Institutes to delegate to ttair eommietare power to rota fur them ia the electio of members of thia Board A a report Inm Scnxd Inspector Whtham on rtae lucatioual sytlMM in vo xua in Bnteiu or Eo lxsd uased on ooeervati aaad during his reoaut visit tj that cuunny ft so dl it re If when? Tta CHIE SECRETARY Hon Yes 2 3 Tte report is hanll to the I'res aa 1 a paper wu i by Inspertor Wtutham st tte Cearte CsHUerroce dralmg with tte same pc5 a thi renoit which will ta published in the it xt iuraeot tta Ciuertumri POLLING PLACE AT WARXERfOWN Tne Eox BICE Tnat nn ail be presented to riis Excellency toe i Ji arnor prayin His ExseUenry co tone a eiaaraii Ja'Iucla nagVVsreertoirn spoiling o'w fr the Electoral Ih sri oi Gia ist Mie Wiro Ttsrn wii tte remtre fix'! popula tion which at present hi I ante at Port Pirie whch they tad sprang like eentimeBt could go forth irom tte Legiltiv Council ot South Australia and if they could ro echo that eentinsmt eouki they aot aay bias ocrgracams Queen Tte amendment of tte Hon Biee wm declared rarriod The Hox WARD called for diriaioa which resulted a follows Ara Horn Adams Charie surgested that tte Chief Secretary stanid withdraw bis amendment and allow him to insert on June 3) after Her Majesty the itex" That would enable every member at to Council to vote far the usotiem If tte rn er woild accept tt there would be no ditn culty (Tbe Hon Ward cow aidiceir There would then be no chan at any andeerved alar berag caat apoa aay one for tarir vote In tte interreu of tte Atmtra lita co*kmiee it would be adrantageoua to act iu tte manner te proposed The CHIE SECRETARY withdrew his atnendment ta favour of that at tta Hox Ek Tte Hox MeGREGOR hoped Mr Ward and ius aupportero would te th wiadom of carrying tte amendment Tte mover of tte aaouon knew wall that if tte sotton wm carried now it would only te by motion of tte Couuaxl and hia intaaduoa 1 wan'd be defeated teeaore it would not be the congratnlat ionari tte wbul Qouncik It wa Keen ci impertinence for any memoer to bring rward sack a motion without finrt ascertain ing tte feelings of member In mattara of that kind tte mover ws always jumping up and if te dd not get bi own way in high dudgeon It was impotable for too Prta ieut at times to control bta and it wm impotable for his party i do so and ho thought ttere should he a comltaed effort made to control hi ettMNM It appeared to te uor moo bornnto thaa ezeetave loyalty He wa only running the risk of insuiting Her Majesty byending ooagratulstiom tta: were only from a section oi tta CounciL He had no right to make tta assertion that some members of tte Council were uot a loyal as te was Thy might bare different idea of loyslty hat Mr idea on maar matters were not alwav eorrert He hoped tta amendment would be carried The Ha WARREN could not agree with tte xmendmrat (a a few time right memtarsot the Council wmud cease to bmd otnje and they tad no right to carry a renokieiuB binding ttetr successor Tte loyalty of some members of id Council wm eareeedtady thin if liter were prevented from voting far tte tntrtfon te tire bttto difficulty of tte Government and th arrangement with the other roknies (TtaCiiief Secretary about Her own She hadxprwaed terartf as highly graaitod at rotav lug Bhreaato oi orngnuoUnou He did not think it wm aecery for member to mcw tain tte foaling of toe other member before they introduced tious (The Hox Rte You cont tbe others tte other It was not worth while taking any notice of tb bon uumlrer Hewaaalwxva barking at him He hoped the motiuc would te earned muaimooriy' Tte Hox HASLAM said tte Gevern mut wanted to act in concert wito tte otter coiooieA but they did knew what action tte otter eoionte would take If it wm right to send a mesaa in Jone it wm equally right to do it now He was burpriaed that tne Pre mier had taken toe uosiuon te and on thia questfan seeing that lie had ahraya been to tte forefront in matters of thia sort If be had admired tte Premier tor anything it tad been for the prompt wav in whi to te acted in such matters and he was sur''ri sed while te wasway that tbe Premier did net send meeeag of congratuiaUoa to the ueex (Tte Chief Secretary tte wiahea) He tad eaten it that tte tttn did not want any public demonstration she had already accepted messages cf oazrac iiauon from all parts cf tte rld ff tte nin werepaased the hand of tte Goivrnro nn would not be tied rja the col NUi ubG io take joint fault of the Government that the settlement tad not been made (Tte Hox Dr Campbel I did not amr He tad said that thej Premier hi said tte whole thing was aS It TON LS ftkXni O' TCIY CA XTU UMliW periodical sum tb Court stall (taring regard to tte mssM both of tbe husband and the wife) consider reasonable for tte main tenance al herself and atoo ci aQ children if any whose eustodv is granted to bar In deriding tbe application the financial noritkma of tbe husband and wife would be eonnidered and tn wife tad she would reeene had none Clause 7 order shal Simpson called by Duggan said she gave him tbe watch to pawn tolling him ate got it from Rooney in lieu of money To Jury jund aeeuied end His Honor said be would dual with bitn under the irst Offenders Act there was no otter conviction recorded agaimt him Eighteen imprisonment recorded Ht Honor oongratulated tte Jury upon tte eiose of thmr deties aad upon tte fart that tte calendar tad not contained etarges relating to plaintiff foe £15 on tta daim and on tbe eennue Haim Coobt Bbotkzss Mm axah Hat £9 12a 3d for goods said and de livertxL Mr Bonaaxx from tte otike of Meewa Andersen Gastle for tbe plaintiffs Mr Mitchell for th defendant who pleaded not indebted Verdict for tteMount claiosed Boerm SsTTsna £68 fiL for med Kiel attondanra Mr eaa fur defendant Nonsuit as plaintiff did not Jluce Muott wife at Mvbprt Dosaui £13 fcr board and lodging Defendant pleaded not indebted and that tta plaintiff's barmax vix tar aox Murphy tocalixator commisrion agent peumittd defendant that if he would bring his Lns Tte from Broken Hill to race at Addaid he would find and defray all hi ex penMs finding him board and lodging free at tte Oid ieen Arms Hotel and at th Royal Hotel Adelaide Nonsuit without cotta asp Daxtu James £6 principal and interest du on a bill of sale CYCLING SsTCHDit's Marti tbs American tus bera unul iriy sneeew'Ql in ite other colonies an ived by Wednesday's ety take prtat th totts meeting cattoe Jubilre Oval next sstqrlay He the trark lie 4urin tbe day 3l spnear ia rxerdleot c'iitian Hr uc eoniflitoedatoot miles at strong service iHc nacs with ocroxins sprint Mraihat shn er foruwd Hr ork Tb Broken Hili represent ttv a Raiki ley Nyineds and Mutton approrel to adeant'w and there ri huh dosb: the tint poaiero a great etaoee in tbe various event Ot the local eonu igrnt Dale to shoiin1 marked itu prove rent and Onarrelt Tubh CTieWvr Itinriell 5 carer aid Tsywr are th bnt of lb tiier 0 ng to tbe crowded ascot of th tnck iels over ptriCed dijtances were frastratsd He would read tbe telegram iron ir Tcrra from hi print view rd Bracer tuto grapbed on britali of tte popl of ictrix wau prosed by tte reply sent to him bv rhe 5'wen ttaJting re people of Victoria hey could not du wrong in fallowing th cxax'rie of Lord 3raaey He a itnittea that he had not the to tdezraph on behalf of tte peupto of rVath Austral but they tad a to excrete their prtvihge to telegraph eongrxtnlarioni sb mecibera of the Legislative Council Wtat did ia tta teieram mean? tie that t'aey were bmml by any misinterpretation put bv tte Hox Dunean Gillies tte Kaent Geueral of Vict wi on tte aiste of the Qu wx Her wtbe offlrta) announced re rizhtJv LLK then read a paper entitled Wfey dartwa go te Church which to ptoia tsvam to bln resit tte ciwey aad mid Wat mra dM to Cburcb teeaM tte preaching WM CM rt kite appeal to tto hearts intaP THE VIGI03IA 1HSURAMGE COMPANY LIGHTED 'RDft0Bw Kitn Star or i tetar Vatoat ron oiu ILLtsTRATED PRICE U5I DO lire! HJV WIMBTO rj tatofi firv nQTJT I thweivp that all fnrrtvuM an 1 Ste ha i Iwi the 'irtt te delavd till tte iu of th tt i sed in xi ci yer uf ic rfcit io was in anv snb vnditw cwicrtulxtron i of which be tad made hitoself They were riivnini from the bedroom and a window of tte bouse was found unfastened There wm further evidence to tte effect that tbe accused rave two young girl employed ia a restaurant a couple of rings telling ttam be bad bought them and tbe tmtimany of De tectives Priest and raser wm that in the accused lodgings were skrietou key aad picklocks and that be admitted giW rirls tte rings bat said be found them in a hole whieh he saw a man digging in tte Park Lands The detective found a parcel cf tte miasing article concealed near a place where defendant had teen aero Tte accused made a steusaent to the Jury to tte effect that to Mmsrv MerreU ata Glen Bert and Osmond tiridrark Cbrtatatm Wee Misers GiU Sotoaake sad Kate Morris aftertxnwi lea rakes ad ets MewLones Gtsre asd Atkinsua sad MissM Morris 1 StoMrt aad Wiihaa NoiBLCKQi Urlft8X Tb amur sary oelvbrstod Ortoter It ata lx Soiay tte Her IL Jsa uf Port Adelaida delivered an impressive smau to a laroe evregrera Ifooand ia tte aftcrsteaite sre virect soaguTbe River Siager" vs rendered Mte arter ptrediug nt tte iivgan Th ronnecure readiags were ri by tbe Rev JI Jauien Ou Monday th uniat i a leeiare ji 1 ft tauantew rrnawm I eriy hnr nr of me i wny fnu fmcmtioa tte osejffion iemvod He hta otjetd to th first adyj'Arnrarnt tecsti it gare mratett an oking but wten OO IO Ovrtriun oieintars who had asked to move tte motion went for anoch a jaurrrx 3t be wa rarpnvxl Tb party however united sjaix (The Hox MHriegor And yoa are stiil tta Leader ') He wm not nceverbad Mr Gunrw iucorcvt £90 to £25 and there were tracks ou tbe land of a mob of cattle a borae and a dog Saw a mob of cattle which te was told belonged to defsndaBt on Mor timer's land A man nazuta Callahan wm in charge Arthur James Mortimer said that there wm a mob of 13u cattle on his land for graxing oo Augwrt 23 bat he did not kn whan they belonged to te only dealt with tte agents Mr Harris elorted to be nouMuted be tad not sufficient evidence of ownership COURT Gswleb: Ttvuut OcroBta 13Bat ore Mr Johnstone SM Kirsawt iiurm wm riAnren in infociBatton of A Murray with bring tbe owner of a dog which on September 24 at near Concordia at tacked informant's sbeep Defendant pleaded guilty Mr Rudall represented tte in formant and stated that five valuable young rams were either kilted outright or so severely injured that thev succumbed subsequently One at the animate wm valued at 5t) griniasnd the otter four at 5 guineas each Mr Murray tad intended to sue for the amount of toss he fared sustained but te learned that this would mean ruiu to tbe defendant he de cided not to do so II would however take this course in future if he wm occasioned any kns TheSM commended Mr Murray for hi flcnriderauoa and hoped that tbe incident would a warning to defendant and others ined 40re and costs ia ail £3 Ila Dueren Vefmrie and Sioaa Utatf were charged with riotous behaviour ou September 18 in a pnblis place tta tedy Abcu School room Defendants who were represented by Memrs 8 Rudall and Harris iespctivly pleaded not guilty The first witness staled that the conduct cutnplainwi of tote place at an invitation dance and as it wa told that tbe place wa therefore uot a pnbbc place within tte meaning of the Art tbe case auumanly stopped 3Lr Rudall asked for costa stating that seven ot his wit esses earn from Barmsa and affirming that the police were the tools ot private persons in thu matter Mr Harris supported Th thought tta police tad acted bona tidered refused costa Ifcnl Crenft Haviag appbad to Com con sisting of a Special Magistrate and aJP tte wife would te antitfod toooeof thru remedies ro'k birth Itwou'M have teen just as wvj th rioa hxl been merred but power at tbe eteties ta October next Tbe a' tes iance of tbe public daring th past year bs been a (ottawa Public Library vuutors 7t79 Maseutx Art Gallery 7K Beviiog room atteedaitee eeetin a large bat tfcriren cannot gfveo that ar mraaa rt recording them RIENbLYSOCIEfTES 8o of Tbe tealf yearty sewioa tt the boatb Anrtralia Grata Pt rise tt tb Sons and Daachters tt Temperaaee wax held ia tbe Iteetabii Hall Adelaide ue Tues day October Tte Grata ethy Patriarch Brother Dsber test tbe ehair at 7 o'clo ata tbe Cutauctaw baviag mad the csss! praeisraa tiuG tee Mesial wm pd ta from Tbe other officers preroat were Abbib Associate: topiOM taribs fittaae Treasurer Boy Chaplata A Whittaker Ctoduetor Amite MrattaeL PMWP Carvomo acted as Pa Grata Worthy Patriarch Aawotagy wax received fraat tta PGW A OerelaML The were Pioneer PG WP A Blackwell Mtnmoii(an PWPe HurnesreJJ Ingreses Adotaids PWP A Carried CATHOLIC CtlURCH ENDOWMENT (PRIVATE) RILL Ccuridoraffijn at report of Select Com mittee Tte Hon WARREN "That th Bill a nrrted be adapted TVs had teca an nded aceordaace wnfa the wteei of vert at a men! tert of th Ooancil Tter no ptio3 to it Everything tad gone on mort hartumtoosly As far as the Committee eould scrertMn tte BiD was likely to te of great hjQ 3t to tte Cathriic enixiiaQitv and ti no di advantage to any other pan of tte com munity Ctrrei Third reading Tumday October ADD RSS C0N3R4TULATT0: rtt 4 EriT CH'EEX Adocr3ed bate ou th motion of th Hox War! That address from foi Counril ta presented to rrI vuous XIa stT th Quoex convey to Ht Msjwevy car loyal and cordial iog a ztei HU on th Impart and ovist e'on 'm in in English irstorv and our ferxint bvpechac te mar long spared to eoacmio it 2 That a Crantte of three fn ntes te a'i'XHuted to pr jpare th Addrrts for th i mM ra'ia of th To which tta Cni'f riTJUrr hvi moved an an i Tta nrevi qati TX Tte BAfrtlKGV rose chiefly to Ptrur I' had a nr wdlriv foct ntS Legislative Oro al without inc tie i tte eoleny aad th na 1 mv 'ing any br nt a' with another iwj hof rlnv tn tanpt sitnlar coarse Tte I President tad pointed out rta if tta metier cvT ei will go home rp bronzh His EvHsecr tte Governor ntjvwp trre ncive of th as a 1 riw ir: ivn tali are vaateX Pueltvy septty equal to reqoirvUMMts tt town Batur tod 844 to hit per lb furpedal brands sarnas 7L toM per lb Mores 74 per lb Kms per toeea Kacex ner lb Ctacsa SpL to aceordiM to eaalily proved disrespect tn Hr Maiesty Tn CHIE SECRETARY ia pursuance of a i s'ion a crd bv Mr rnex had got tte Premier to ire Victors as to what had teondoi th re Tho following answer tad erne htnelf sent a tnv atc: C' iHim did sc but th i sees MWS MCV tag popaiar ata nU Mpari a laagleil wanfi aowmst EnglMh rhurefiwea tail ttar wm a potability of a settlement being arrived at ttat ttar sbouU to dia enmsan whieh might tend to further beat and wide tte hrMiii He did not say bow near or far wm th possibility (Th Hox la there potability That waa not fr him to say it depanded tte reasen ablaosM er attoi im at those who were oppos ing the Government Dr Campbell tad said that tta Premier tad deetand to negtaatiena off inferriag that to would not entertain any proporal frera th cctor rid bat tte Govern ment ware dtarrw ef a settlement and if three wm not on it would not te their fault a Two roomed House furnished for £10 15s Three roomed House furnished for £14 15s three months after took tte Jervoi Hotel ort Adelafoa While there hw wife tent him anoiLer £1'U He rvoovud to the World' End MagilL aiwxJt Jnlr 1395 and left ia Aprtl iVfi He arranged to take tte lag staff Hotel Sturt aad paid a deposit tat heir? wirh th praepret of the boiiire te left after two dara rrnenrr The foQjcr tecait aord aim in tte Adelaide Izwal Court and obtained a verdict called a mrrng of credi tors and offered ix in th pound which waa refused and be wm ad judireaed on tte petitien nt ah judgment creditors Tte liability to Mra Lampe which stood at £334 1(K tea ainc been reduced to mit he appointed to mqnir into and report open all tte eireunutanc ji that hare (ran BjHTv in relation to tue tauaemeat ri tta Adelaide Hospital and the arraasetnenta for tbe care and aod surgical treatment of the patient there since tte report of th laat Conaiaeii of EfiiQiryon di subject was presented to Parliament" Tte CHIE SECRETARY arid with tte consent of tta member in charge of tte motiox and while ttere tall some potabtlity ot acme settiement in th matter ta iDovcd tte Order oi tta Dav te reed and discharged and te made aa Order at tte Day for Wednesday Qotober Tbe Hen Dr CAMPBELL asked tte Secretary to take tbe Couxdl into iua cenfidenc a hrtie morx and ey upon wtat ground to btaecd his expectoti' a that the negotiations were likely to be stncetauL He did not consider ta should Mk tte Council to grant an adjournment because seemed to him that liere wm no cunneetio tetween ttair oocrideration of the motion and aay acuon thus ought be taken elsewhere If any aerion which they would all rejoice in in tte sasiie at tone tt tta negotiation arose members would bo only too glad to abaadoa the question now tefurv tte Council hut te thought lvey abouki tear from th Cmri wbat grounds there were fur czrMs tin that tte njpciutoi would be euc £19 war that the mier nau staura ixmx aeunitoiv 1 lun ttat tta whole thin? was off and that to could nx at tta XoE are Pbly 10 paperras getting Pw nll it would pro tai fui na I rranvRrou ue mm mmu JVUM sated member to com prepared to do ax aujuuro tte matter Tbe Hox A ADDISON ttenght it wm Sr RTARV tad tta very wise eonm to adjourn tte motfox be £ta CraSEC RETART laid on tte wu kte wftM Arnta snre tf the debate ewtt or tlHe et tM Cowru they would to wider apart than ever So far av be wa cuneenaxl be would nay some very nx ttv thing He tai been attacked moat un fairly ami to would defend Imuatif ia pretty etrmg urnm If they etarted tte debate then thev might say good by to a compromise dolenee wm also seat an tte death of th Emperor of Germany who wm Her eon in law If it was posriUe that a maj'wity of tte Council should be found co vote egsinat tte motfox would have no farther pnde in bring a uMmter tf tte Coaned (Tte Hox wTr uaaell What about dir Tte voting last week wm tea aside even with jvra of the gentlemen with whom te wm associated voting aaiaM bun Tte vote ef tte President be admitted wm absolutely correct waa bound to giv th vot fee further coustderatiox When aaked to a day be (th speaker) waa ao aheotately dto guated that te said Tte Presi dent did not pat that qncatiox and te wtm not going to bother whether such a qoeatMMi coaid or cJuld not be put Tte font said the Parliamentary equivalent of ine dw was day six mouths" He voted for six raoaefa fainktng it waa tetter MS to enter tain che qnmtiaa at all ratter than to adjourn it for a week He misled nobody He had teen to a certain extent sold but to tad aot misled any own tad begun to appreciate tte qualities at Mr Guthne more than be tad previously done and to agreed with him that tta wintimt wm wore than tte nfon He would pus tte motion with out any Macndmctit aril lt ttam carry it that day or never They were all other directly or indirectly descendant at tte mother country and tte? should respect th svstem of constitutional govenuMut in vogue there against the republicauton er doipotism oi tbe otter ec*ntries Thera were weeds familiar to snms ot them perhaps not to With eliffe of whit and bowers at graen And ocean narrowing to oaresa her With hilla and threaded streams between: Our little mother ialo God bless ter Surely every Enghahman Seotehmax et Irishman could apply ths to tui on little island home and if they could re echo tte bills teiered for tta firei time is AdeiaMa a very iatereattru lecture Tta idle aad Werk tt the Latr Rev spujjteon jter refevrecre Kpur non'i xnce'hvra were drive by pareacn tion rrom the SeitarluuiK and Milled ia ibe Coast y' aex EuftUtta Jlr Elite eooa iatorattad lb audieoce the uuag sad aarrslto tow br prewted ta tin mthm when rixtrea aid then treated ol tm labeura paator Watw besca sad New PsTt arwc Ctaurvii tafcbwsilae prextar al Surrey Muw HH1 where 10000 awpla a to irrtar 'rnverourtit well or a Warncrtown in I noinc rei he raid ttere eild to nod: pice iGw tta propriety oi troclastninff a i' there to enable too seCtlera to eter and tte inhabitants were of th ni' Tta CHIE SECRETARY read tte fol loM iz rvrxt frota Um ftotarniug Officer for ri iKnct Mr "Taere are on tte Pjrt Pmr Aoemhiy roll eighty four anmea of who rt Warncrtown their 3i Ire i Th rtaunre betwoon Waraertowi and rt Pm in riht miles by rail Ttere thrvi paenirer trains each way daily tamdo goods trama I tav never heard any '16 etprea a wish for a pollinsr plac at mart rm bat wthtta it would be a eon sum On tnat repert and an P'irt Piri was a very larre polling pLuss ami it was desirable to relieve the pres ttere tte Government supported the tn Hicx Carried PARKSIDE TRAMWAY (PRIVATE mmm Mew 'ti 4 IBS mart ft ItolWtoT A JHlt donated £10 aad ahnu Elu tea taea rated fa smaller rare while Mr Hear? ta nK hr rrawomtj promael to to ron ItMtialiy on beiag raneil A sutabei of cubM ririuns have been pre tnted and tbe rrnnmittre tape tartly to be able to provid a eeparate btrild ng tor tta aundayctool which fa aow held ra tte 'neirfi Tbem wm a large axtssduro iu ihe afternuon at the opening ceremony Tta Rev SL Mudie tier briefly refer rii to the object of tbe bsnar aeked Hmiinr to open Che preroed' nra Mis Uanuet in crarofolpeseta expreeiH it uv pteure be felt in psrfcrm inz tbe dnty xJ otteal to her ta tested tte ttas galtannf wvoid ta prooimnced wrti end that the Building un mld Ufjev taarflk be then declared tte Lazaei opex A little girt pfwentod Mw Hater witn a beautiful botjiart oa totally tte CAttreb member end al tbe call of tbe Rev A eet MA Usrraer tbaaked toy ac rlauMUios for toerauendaaee Is tbe ererinjr tta ball wm ataot unaxnforttbly erowded tta vanoo eUll were well patruatad There good etowof pbia and fec wc and tta era re wawaaanog toe ren yesre wree tnU of tta produce vuj 0r? maer aad varied 'forb M8ft poMed or tbe tantta and inlad'd kind of frafi teetablee nl itniftAtMftAftSRtf WArkafl rinvne fka A nA I toftAij jjrvuvw Jir toiBCK ANlsM vii in charge ol ni itrrestiug museum of curiositiee In addiiiou to tta aomeertab tackheved comic art dlec nnmber of eariee were lent for exhibition and hv rtav included rare and valuable roin aUiricrual Auurahaa eapow Asiatic eiul Nrtr Zealand native product and a collcetioii of reptile piioi i et in pinta luterwt ias exhibit were a p'tiuk i '4 tte awaia fresa ererj' ten test tt the t'owud priBri tore aod a case of of aixty five diffi tvnt varieties of Urda A hit of fun eanaed hvt trimnung coMaet IVJ itaril aad Hire (teUerl Not Iff Hoos A Addwox Baaeffow Dr Campbell Dunam Lt frilrt Guthrie Hi lam AUrtia THE ADELAIDE HOSPITAL MOTION OR CU jIMi CTEE Aajuurnea aeoxe upon ira motion son givwn enforce wwr tsro vmn sou Hox 11 Select Com 1 to piovent tte husband moisting tte woman A 1 tL eV fft tta am AttnrtMfffi blurt PCy BUft enur eta Stained Ctodar Cbi if eretary to iaP 'tM i tL vote wv wtt jner irit he "vyr v4 I it would ur a member of tte Onurij who eliv ild te UiUuraccn ty it Cm Bkci am i ttK nl te agri! itj Mr Guthrie and elai wsd hie voce ou it They tad to det'sax Mr Biev'a ameudment Some of the Qtatva herself tteogfa he pexyed a nr tftf WIKIJ ffkCfift fifite MVTttMl MU ri Minted todrawpardacederalettpnymraiud Iemra regret iv0 toneflut Tte mwirarotwitw were 'tal rervie wax greatl nreriated The ftKbOTJGPord wm etated Auditor sad Br 'clwir eoadwied fa Mr 4 Manning rendered ttar Btekvel elected as Gnad Patrra revertt anthems ia an ff tive raanare tfoTuro Cadrte rere A Ctevefoad re nr A row of eung well wirairtl pablietm waa followed tteaake wm paaata to the Law Comwttee Jeetze on Tte Life ef Abraham Latafa" by for tfoer eervxvs Tta GW suitably rettre Raws Tbe krture wa greatly Th Majl vote tt wae made for extewton par rojoyed Tbe iniere in tte atory tt Awrira TS la flvxl fnr lh kectaH'e Hxll Atatete ngusteil alte rations hi tbe Cfadcte Lawa were sd pled and ordered to te twisted tte meetiax was dosed intae fora by ta Coadwtoris prorlamstton Purstunt to Statute Annual repel of Public Library Msmunn and Art Gallery of i South Australia Return to tte order et tte Corre THE SOrTH AUSTRALIAN RESISTER THTTRSDAY OCTOBER 15 1896 i i ig Greaiell atrcuc tt nt exxnpl in of a aiixlxr inzerertM He wa Txir ICEi I tft k'ata tha tefax LOHhANo Cdtow nti AMtnii 'facta nret 13 13 J1' AMPUKii i a wtn rench Louw XlV whose tvs krr n' i iMeraeoj iM rein ertri fol cw vm eveuty two yrara Broib rW t'star read hit repert followed by tbe Grand Scribe and rhairtiuu 4 Trustees Tbe repot ta abowed tbe fintaeial powfa of the ratrewd deWitaxl rerrwe I imhetWcn at 11am cdfa ail the faade stow a inaeara Tte memter afUrT wUefc tta aa'iulere tt tte ngr gaUoa prJ tteraatatteprerMwretnrti i clpd Pncl 5riunfta where varies ararta 9 i indakvd in ui prize given to the victor in the innwed interest la tte Mrafa inng the frarea Ac In tbe latter part of tta day an 5 tribe alttengb it eeuld not te adroureaieut wm made tte nore near tbe jettv tw Mhm vtenvftfl mm LKmtr wftfw iwsl1m ah! a i a 5e Adfaw RS I faamMttwm Nefia fiifoMi Wfl 1 1 IMVBH vmMI fMff MQKHff ear ftl 9 at9 KMftfl at TUBra CHARLESTON batiteedmv mateter deoeead tai tb ritetmt GttMoal geet tr Aenseal Peat Often NnldjvUUHffW revwww ow rauex naiow wan rav at wann thev wfa fate ta jjjt Hunt mnff amMahivM tte Htatai He UifJMIl BBtanM it vw th wfab tb Mdti MfMVdll IftllfM hM tte tateta lJ te aA 5 TE A Crreww GwarwaW gereg Artfa ral' Xs item fed: and eear tta er owe rf 1 rwfimwaMp Vntt WMdf Bggg 1 1 1 Wm jftnaff far weak fa th bop that ttew A riritbeenteMta taVfo fit awe aww ftfJVTl WWr a awmbx 4 o' 3 BtaMftaagmgtrattran Me CkMfaftmtad tai ah rattans wVeA iJ'J A tataraA tb GrnmnA white ta wa wot it Ifix 1 1 TT TWM WW won aarags a to i tfLa fl Nrtaetan VwJftW rnilM i ftw mmw wnmn mmna Met nMt given AM Tilrvi 4 1 Ift Antortaa ftMtsata Ctafae frera a a HlZfAftW ftHSftx III I I GowriL ta wreU ta lite De Mwww 1M DfOMtmtur I I E3 America PwimtatiaterA beaari LI wb fraqwntly a fair to giv than cwMdttte ja1 77 3 lily tyi kihiiri Kf9SffBB9ni RteMlMl owt ifa inatiox ttey ti 4 rt BtoT rare a woraar Minre time not being a Htl 71 9 faf Xvterit Raft par half line os BQ rJ1 tri GlareAer taM dsae it 3 i JLfiSy riflx a tee rar Gcuuue to 0 tee raft jiliii I atora kl 8 nnXJHZBftALr YBSTKRBntnRAIK BlackraLGold With Ixhswted rarad awl 1 ta Hltere stew ic rtM ahee a i wi vua I tae rar Gaa aatra Pinamaad Kxtradad teottas 1 i stewn aanr in AT A Mw ismniuM to vtuos oeerocarv rwffzjia: £3 Biter i gnmnd of hm faith fa tte poombifity tt a aaktte xa vs Beat tent hmm Kumoor had it that A ateawMeaarilintia vieprad and that rarasraHMMrawwn Ke dCmAGARET toped tte mote and sore that ha in tte right A dw iff wwnM yvtpira rpi afro rerune feafiaw wm A weak tta there tioaa and Majraty tad lyaumd tarl nlrimnrn it Tta Itraaett Brand tt th 1 Orurch at England had carried a similar rera hi to Is geree to to Is ff'f hi to ejd ra to ptaeoaeid tod I Iff Verettalae Orafan ta to for I good total Bl for poer lenums fa to zz LEjj 1 4 lie to 7a rtiatonrb la to to 7 tH a fife BSVOkri JAiMftfaLZ IWMUZ dem ud Jmfina ra'ira in i Cheese VvBkrftftMto i soft NtXvfftwbSES 'Z CglSwl iaaJiA I'nltry Bare fiainr far1 mrti mixed co pe and taaa Is Sd to Is l'd each ft I dnrke prtm to to eato: gaeaa ta td Se eaeto teifubeD sterads hi per lb rafa ie aa itaaftietira1 Grcra Beax Net ia in io iu 13 Pa 114 15 IQ1 I 101 3 lift IM 41 fl IM to Ml re UJ ifA ifflN 5KJ.

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The Register News-Pictorial from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)


What is the main newspaper in Adelaide? ›

The Advertiser is a daily tabloid format newspaper based in the city of Adelaide, South Australia. First published as a broadsheet named The South Australian Advertiser on 12 July 1858, it is currently a tabloid printed from Monday to Saturday.

What are the two national newspapers in Australia? ›

These include: The Sydney Morning Herald, The Daily Telegraph (Sydney), The Age (Melbourne), The Herald Sun (Melbourne) and The Canberra Times. The two national daily newspapers are The Australian and The Australian Financial Review, which are owned by different companies.

What is the Australian newspaper called? ›

Top 10 newspapers by circulation
NewspaperPrimary service areaOwner
The AustralianNationalNews Corp Australia
The AdvertiserAdelaide South AustraliaNews Corp Australia
Sydney Morning HeraldSydney New South WalesNine Entertainment
The Sunday TimesPerth Western AustraliaSeven West Media
6 more rows

How much is the Sunday mail in Adelaide? ›

List of newspapers in South Australia by circulation
NewspaperTown/regionRetail price
Sunday MailAdelaide, Statewide$2.70
The Advertiser (Monday-Saturday)Adelaide, Statewide$1.40
Northern Messenger$0.00
Weekly Times Messenger$0.00
40 more rows

What is the most common newspaper? ›

1. The Wall Street Journal. Based on circulation numbers, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) is among the largest daily U.S. newspapers, with more than 3.9 million subscribers. This includes more than 3 million digital subscribers as well as 649,000 print subscriptions.

What is the most read news in Australia? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald has once again cemented its position as Australia's most read news brand, with a cross-platform readership of 7.27 million readers, according to the Total News readership figures released by Roy Morgan today.

How can I read Australian newspapers for free? ›

Many of the National Library's eResources are available free online; others will require a User ID, found on your Library card. A large range of current and historic Australian newspapers in digital format can be directly accessed online via Trove and our eResources portal.

What is the biggest selling newspaper in Australia? ›

The Herald Sun has the highest circulation in Australia. Based in one of the country's two major cities, Melbourne, it is the result of the amalgamation of the original Sun and Herald newspapers.

Who is The Australian owned by? ›

The Australian, with its Saturday edition The Weekend Australian, is a daily newspaper in broadsheet format published by News Corp Australia since 14 July 1964.

Do people still read newspapers in Australia? ›

Despite the general decline of the newspaper industry, Australians still enjoy reading printed newspapers. There are two national and ten state or territory daily newspapers. Of course, there are a huge variety of regional daily and other regional and suburban newspapers in Australia.

For what is Australia famous? ›

Australia is known for many things, including swathes of tropical beaches, marine reserves, Aboriginal culture, cute koalas, rolling wine country, and lush rainforests.

Is the Sun Herald a newspaper? ›

The Herald Sun newspaper is the product of a merger in 1990 of two newspapers owned by The Herald and Weekly Times Limited: the morning tabloid paper The Sun News-Pictorial and the afternoon broadsheet paper The Herald.

Is the Herald a national newspaper? ›

The Herald as it is commonly known today is a national newspaper owned by the Irish Independent Group of newspapers and has continued since 1891 to have a nationwide circilation althrough the paper is heavily assocaited with County Dublin.

Who owns the Adelaide Advertiser newspaper? ›

The Advertiser is a daily newspaper published in Adelaide, South Australia. It was first printed on 12 July 1858. it is owned by News Limited.

What is the name of the USC newspaper? ›

Daily Trojan
TypeStudent newspaper
PublisherUniversity of Southern California
Editor-in-chiefKimberly Aguirre
Managing editorStefano Fendrich
6 more rows


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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

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Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.