The Erie Record from Erie, Kansas (2024)

Galesburg REPUBLICAN KECORD. W. n. Willis la the authnrliad correanon- dent and street or the Keoubhcan Record at UiUsbunr. Those doslrinir to suhserll may Jtss.

Cm. E. Harbaugh, Editor and Proprietor. do so through him. lie will also receipt sou for any back ulifcrlpUon Jul may pay lo hlin.

Frank Wacuoner was in Parsons Saturday. Epilepsy 20 Years. Cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine. A few years ago, Mr.

L. W. Callahor, was an extensive, successful expert manufacturer of lumber product. Attacked with epilepsy, ha was obliged to give up his business. The attacks came upon him most Inopportunely.

One time falling from a carriage, at another down stairs, and often in the street. Once he fell down a shaft in the mill, his Injuries nearly proving fatal. Mr. Oallohor writes from Milwaukee, Feb. IB, 'SS.

Tarmsot Subscription. One Tour 5S weeks) II BO Six Months 75 Three Mouths 40 Samuel Apt Eu. Is visiting his son Will, this week. Miss Anna Marlow Is visiting friends in Erie this week. ERIE, FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1895.

Mrs. Will Baker is on the sick list at the present writing. Clyde Willis and Fred Sailor were ANNOUNCEMENTS. in Parsons Saturday. Woodring's blacksmith shoo has re ceived a coat or red paint.

RBUIHTRR or DEBUS. I horcbv announce myself us a candidate for the office of Keglster of Deeds of Neosho county, subject to the doclslon of ltepub-lican count; couveutlon. W. P. OUVEK.

siiKinrr. 1 heroin- announce ravself B8 8 candidate Mrs. Wm. M-oritz and daughter, Ella, visited Parsons Saturday. F.

Everett Enlow left for Illinois for the office of Sheriff of Neosho county, sub Tuesday to be absent several days. ject to tho doclslon of the Republican county conveutlou. A. G. BAUDWELL.

Mrs. It. E. Miller was visiting Mrs O. F.

Bailey east of town Monday. I hereby Announce mvsclf as a candidate for tlionlllce of Sherilf subject to the decision of Ed. Sullivan and WilLMc Xulty, of Thayer, were in Galesburg Sunday. the Hepubllcau county convention. 1Kqb COUKTT TREASURER.

Mr. Archter, of Humboldt, was do ing business in Galesburg Tuesday. At the solicitation of many rlendsll have rnncludid to he a cnndldiite for the olllue of Miss Daisy Redman is visiting rel 1 County Treasurer of Neosho county, sunject atives at Parsons and Mound Valley to the decision of the Kepublloan county con-TODtiOD. J. H.

SPEKUY. fOITNTV RPKVFVOII. Mrs. M. McConkey came up from Parsons Tuesday for a few days' visit.

1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Surveyor, suhject to I In; decision of tbe Kepubllcan county con- D. Coolev and wife came un from Farsons for a short visit last Thurs ventlon. H. L. PAL8TRING.


Lytle and daughter, Rose paid the city of Parsons a visit Satur day. "There are none more miserable than epileptics. For 20 years I suffered with epileptic fits, having as high as five in one night. I tried any number of physicians, paying to one alone, a fee of S500.00 and have dona little for years but search for something to help me, and have taken all the leading remedies, but received no benefit. A year ago my son, Chas.

S. Oallahcr, druggist at 191 Reed Milwaukee, gave me Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine, and I tried it with gratifying results. Have had but two fita since I began taking it. I am better now in every way than I have been In 20 years." Dr.

Miles' Remedies are sold by drugglsta on a positive guarantee that the first bottle will benefit or price refunded. Book on the Heart and Nerves, free. Address, Dr. Miles Medical Elkhart, Ind. Dr.

Miles' Remedies Restore Health. For Judge of the Seventh Judicial District, L. STILLWELL. Hurrah for Bro. Lowrance, hi bouncing boy and the Republican Stark party: It is prepared with, the utmost care and skill from the choicest leaf grown possessing a flavor and substance that makes it dear to the heart of every tobacco chewer.

It is made by the oldest tobacco manufacturers in America, and the largest in the world, and cannot be excelled. Try it You'll agree with, the many thousand discriminating chewers who use it exclusively, and pronounce it much, the best XjOrlllCircl'O. Miss Lillie Keeney, of Sedan, is vis H. T. Sprinoer Is the authorized correspond ent and aireut of tho Hki'Chlican-ubcoiid nt iting her sister, Mrs.

Flickinger at Stark. Those deslrlnir to subscribe, may do present. so through him. He will also receipt vou for any back subscription you may pay to biro. Rev.

Flickinger and wife and Miss Keeney were visiting friends south of W. Kinsley's liavc a fine new boy. town Monday. Ilenrv Brooks has a eirl at his Charley Powell was visiting his house a brand new one. I'hc second nine at Parsons chal Our base ball boys arc very much siiter, Mrs.

Ed. Banks, at Center displeased at their treatment at St. years and is one of the nicest young Kidge last week. lenged Thayer's second nine to play them a game of ball at Galesburg last Col. Lowe sent the first carload of oats out Tuesday that has been ship- Paul Monday, i he uoys over tnere business men of our city.

1 lie firm A number of our young folks had a challenged our team to play ball and riday, Thayer accepted anu went pea this season. is doing a very large business. pleasant time at the home of Mr. and over as agreed, rarsons laneci to ma Mrs. A.

P. Rosa Monday evening. F. M. Hewitt was up to the Palace lion.

J. B. Lynch, warden of the state terialize and the boys then played tne YOU und each of you will take notlee that the said plaintiff, did. on tho 4Mi dny of June, tile bis petition In said tllNlrlet court, wllhln and for the county of Neosho, In the State of Kansas, against Hie said John J. Powell, you and that you must auswer said potlllon Hied as afore, said, on or before the Mill day of September.

isir, or said pell i inn will be taken as true, and a Judgment rendered in said action niralnat said defendants John J. Powell and I'y Powell for the sum of ten hundred and fifty dollars, with interest hereon at the rate of 1( per cent per annum from tho 1st day of March, 1114, and for uomIb of suit and a further judgment wrainet said (Iwfoiidants, you and each of you for tho foreclosure of a cer first nine of Galesburg and defeated butcher shop fretting proventvr for the threshers that threshed -i him E. B. Walker, a former Galesburg the challenge was accepted, our boys went to their town as gentlemen, and during their stay conducted themselves as such. They went in response to the challenge for the sole penitentiary, was in lie city Monday attending to some business matters.

tliein by a score of IS to 1 1. pedagogue, was in town last Friday Wednesday. In an interview with him, he reports looking after the Thayer ball team Rev. J. D.

Bodkin, the would have convicts in the "pen" at this date. The Fraternal Aid had an ice cream been Congressman from this Jas. Maxwell, of Chanute, made lie savsCol. Dora Herod has charge dointrs last night and in purpose or playing ban, outtney surely received a great reception at the hands of the St.Paulites, who tried to Congressional districtcanie in Monday Galesburg one of his semi-occasional of the gate leading from the warden's vited the Woodman Lodge. They visits last Sunday and remained until building to the prison grounds.

morning and announced to his iriends that he would make a silver speech hoodoo them out of town. Tuesday. Their intentions may be all right. tain inorwiire upon me iuiiuwiiik oesernna real estate, to-wllt; night. The news was at once Mesdames Stevens and Schoonover flio southwest Quarter of the southeast Poverty Flat.

heralded far and near. Every body must conic. The time came for the were breathing the circumambient at but they cannot be appreciated by visitors. Much of the disturbance was caused by some of the spectators. St.

Paul has some trundle-bed young quarter and tho southeast cuarter of the southwest quarter of section sixteen, township twenty-elKht south, of ranpe twenty J. T. HitoWN Is the nuthorlzxl correspondent mosphere out of town last i-riday speaking but no crowd appeared. and agent of the Ukpuhmcan Kkcoud at Fov afternoon. i-rty Flnt.

Those deslrlnir to subscribe may do so throuirh him. He will also receipt you They then got a bell and attempted to raise a crowd in that manner, but east or tne stxiu i comaiiiiwr plenty acres more or less, lying and situated In the county of Neosho, In the slate of Kansas and sters who Imagine they are men, whose Miss Edna Sailor came over from for auy Imok subs-jrlptlon you may pay to him Erie last Saturday for a few days visit. rijudidtifr that said planum has the Hist Hen without avail. After three attempts to ring a crowd up the reverend at a Corn is needing rain badly. She will attend the county normal on saia promises, to mo amount ror wlilcli jndirmciit will be takeu as aforesaid, nud or-derlnp said premises to be sold without ap Grandna Hartley was visiting his next week.

quarter past nine o'clock gave up in fond mammas had better keep tnem at home and give them a sound spanking when a base ball team conies to town. We believe in having fair play. To have a lot of kids occupy the ground between the catcher and short disgust and announced that no speech son, Mart, one day last weeK. Prof. Bowers and family, who have praisem*nt, anu mo proeeens appuea mi ino payment ot tbe amount due plaintiff and costs of suit, and forever barrltnr and fori- Uncle John Foster is recovering would be made.

suppose he people of Thayer got enougli of Bodkin been visiting relatives in Iowa for closinv said defendants, and each of them, of rapidly from his recent nines; some time past, returned home Wed stop, and go through a genuine Sioux went and enjoyed themselves, A very enjoyable ice cream supper was given at Cooper's lawn Tuesday evening. Lots of people were out and the ice cream and cake Just went. The Baptists will purchase lots to build on soon and then we will have another church, The Electrics and Kids played a game of base ball with Hen Thomas umpire. Several good runs were made. The only thingto be regretted was a stray ball struck little Itiah Tcnisten and knocked three teeth loose.

They were extracted by the Electric's surgeon, Dr. Hewitt, and every thing is lovely now. J. Ray's engine had quite a bust up Monday morning. When they started up some kids had tightened the water gauge and the engineer supposing he had water enougli let her go and she busted.

It was hauled in and they wired to Parsons for a boiler maker but could get none, and Hilly Ward, our black-smith, lias about and from all rittlit, title, estate, interest, property and equity of redemption, in or to said Indian ghost dance, and tne specta last lan wnen ne spoKe neie. ijooks that way, don't it? nesday of last week. James Dye and Miss Simpson were premises, or any part tnereor. T. V.

UOtf Miss Pearl Lane wears a somewhat visiting in Galcsburg Sunday evening. tors crowd up to the line and paw the earth and bellow like a drove of Texas cattle on a stampede, is not play lcrk District cour t. disfigured visage at present, the re Edward Cleaver has been repairing suit or Having been thrown irom a Uleed. ware Uleed, Plaintiff's Alt irnevs. his house on the home place and will District Court l'rocecdines.

State vs. John Freewert, dismissed. State vs. J. J.

Marmon, dismissed. Win. P. Fiske et al. vs.

Alfred ing ball by any means, it may be funny while you are at it, but to an fractious pony one day last week. move in this week, B. F. House, hav First published In the Republican Hucord on-lookcr It is perfectly disgusting. ing moved northwest of Erie, Our Methodist people will hold a It is true that the crowd might have camp meeting here soon.

A taber Moore et al. Find for pltf. that jiny r.i, lNra.j Levee Notice. Of time and place of meeting of viewers and Quite a number of our young peo done this of their own accord, but nacle and tents will he provided, and amount due mortgage fore- ple spent Sunday near Austin, in rcg. surveyor lo view, suivey, vacate and ru-ljcaio a very pleasant and profitable time is they should have been kept back.

losed appralsment waived, six months uiar picnic style, nut we are sorry to ieveo una to persuns to apply for daiuaues. Hoys this is notnght. anticipated. stay. etc.

say, scot-ty tailed to appear ana tne Union trust Company, of ISew Suite of Kansas, Neolio county, ss: niilk soured in tne freezer. Frank Barnes again doing the TO H. B. I'etidiirvls, II. U.

Slelnliertrer, C. Nel Thayer. H. G. 1.0WBANCE Is the authorized correspon work at the depot.

Frank is a jolly York, Trustee vs. Win. E. Hamilton et al. Sale continued, deed ordered, Our anticipated wedding did not fixed her out and the calculation is to and accommodating young fellow, and take olace last Sunday.

We acknow ind writ of assistance granted. has many friends here who are glad dent, and agent of the Rkcohii at Thayer. Those deslrlnir to subscribe may do so throuirli him. lie will u'so ret-cipt ynu ledge our error, but Jim's ear Is now State vs. the M.

K. Ky. Com to see him get back. start to day, Wednesday. Chanute.

A. M.Paii.our Is the rorrepoD well and he has both to the ground pany, continued by consent. for tiny back sublcrlpllon you may pay to for the swell which is sure to come. son. Abe Miller, tiibler.

J. K. Amoa, 8. W. McC'urtey, Sadie Inwuod, Mauimie Kisi Henry 8lmiinins.

John Wherrett, Joseph Wherretl, and the Atehlson, Topcka and Santa IV Haliroad company and Aldnee K. Walker. John J. McConk and John J. Wilson ns receivers of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Vv rallrond company, and Krlo township In Neosho county, Kansas, una ill whom It may concern: Whereas, A levee petit ion has been present Miss Anna Marlow will attend the u.

i helps as auni. or navid Wil nun. teachers' institute in Linn county this son judgment for pltf. that lie is dent nud agent of the Kkcuni.icAN-Hr.ooHU Amanda iklc entertained a num Hon. J.

M. Dunsinore, went to Erit at chanute. Those doolrlnr lo subscribe innj ntitleu to the possession of property year. She Is one of our best Instructors, and her many friends will regret Tuesday evening to attend circuit no so turouirh him. Ho will also receipt you ber of her young friends Monday night at her' father's residence Ice in cont roversy ana that he recover ol for any back subscription you may pay to court.

to see her leave JSeosho county. deft, his costs. ulra. cream and cake and games were em ed to the board of county commissioners of D. Major E.

L. Barnes, of the Graphic Chanute National Bank vs. M. Chas. Benedict was in our city last ployed to occupy the hours.

A pleas Extensive preparations are being Neosho county. Kansas, as follows, to-wll: LEV PETITION. Lawler et al. case ried and Jury rc- batuday. ant time was nad.

made for the annual Sunday School made a businesstrip to Chanute 1 ues day morning. turned verdict for pltf. of picnic which will be held in Cain's Our lawyers are all courting at Erie State of Kansas, Neosho county, ss: To the Honorable Hoard of County Commissioners of Neosho County, Kansas: Mrs. Min a Kyle gave a quilting Agnes A. Murphy vs.

M. h. irrove. Wednesday. Aucrust I4tn.

a Arthur Carter ended a few weeks T. re- tins weeK. Wednesday, which was exclusively nere us, ino district court lias Knotted an great effort is being made to make the vacation Wednesday by resuming his Ry. Company, case tried and jury turned verdict for pltf. for feminine in attendance.

Even the- Len Barber, of Erie, was in the Injunction uiruiust the construction of a nart convention better than ever before place In the racket at Chanule. head of the house hid out and took to n( hat is known as ho Liutton levee sections city Sunday. Abhic u. i caiman vs. Horatio N.

and ii. township gs, ranKU 111, us previously John Sipc. who has been a sufferer Flint et al. Judgment for pltf. vs Elder Johnston, of Ottawa, was in R.

Hays and wife took in the the brush and did not come in to din ner. We married men must organ umi uieroioru from consumption for several years Flint Flint for and costs to tho underMixned. would respectfully rep the city the first of the week. picnic at Earlton on Wednesday of l7.e. left last week for Garden City, where draw 12 per cent interest till paid, last week.

They report a good time Lee Burris, of Caney, Is making a resent to your honorable body tho necessity of viewing, vacating und rc-liK-atimr said part of the said Dutton levee described as follows to-wit: he will stay a short time and then go The burdens of the avearge school mortgage foreclosed, appraisem*nt waived, six months stay. Judgment visit to his mother on South High Johnnie Corkwell and wife, from to rlnidad, hoping to be bene board is greater than they can bear. street. The part vacated to bt irin at station 414 on for James A. Flint vs.

Flint Hint tiled by the change. near dalcstmrg spent Saturday If a pretty school "mann" applies for said Dutton levee In section 2D, township for 1, "4o.iW to draw 10 per cent inter II. Van Orman, an old resident of inline 111 on the north side of the rluht of wav position and gives the usual talk, We had a column of items written 1 buyer as the guests of Dr. J. W.

Fer guson and family. est until paid. II is mortgage on 2nd of the Saula Fo U.K., adjacenlto bridge No. our city, was visiting friends here our wives are somewhat suspicious. last week, but for unavoidable, reasons lien foreclosed.

i- inenee ruuninir nortnwest aionir on and And if, well, they are all handsome last wcck. did not get to mail them. Who adjolninir said rlKbt of way 4i(W feet lo a point A. II. Reinhart, ourvoung grocery- New Eng.

Loan Trust Company knows but that our communication west oi iiriiiv-u IS lu section .4. township s. and if a male teacher comesaround no one has any time to fool away on a man, went to Eric Monday to buy vs. Llmer 11. an haniiigham and ran ire III east.

A great many of our citizens attended the interstate base ball contest will be the more appreciated on ac nour. iJultc a number of our mcr Price Price for $108.27 and costs to And tho said re-locatloa to be as follows to- man. count of our having been absent last wll over at Frcdonia Friday and Saturday chants handle the Erie mills' flour. draw iO per cent interest till paid, ap iJedlnnliiir at a point on said levoo IS feet week. pralsenient waived, six months stay.

W. T. Gilmore and family have south of said rlaht of way and opposite said The wife and family of Rev. L. Urbana.

L. T. Baker, of Parsons, a former jncw Mig. Loan iV irust company moved to Lawrence where their Foster returned home Monday even resident of Galesburg, and the man Swartz Ray shipped a car load of urtuire no. is, in nam section z-, iiu-ncc in a northwesterly direction parallel Willi said railroad rlfrht of way i'M) feet to a xlnl.

15 feet south of said rluht of way In said wet Inn daughter Is employed In the city vs. John M. Huston et judgment for pltf. vs Huston Huston for log after a weeks visit in Wilson who was shot by Ed. White last Sep nogs Tuesday.

SCIIOOIS. county with the parents of Mrs. Fos and costs to draw 10 per cent 2, even Willi the west ond of said brldno No. teniber, haspeen appointed one of the Mrs. J.

Fifer has been sick, but Is ter. III. tliencn north BO feet to the embankment County Surveyor Frank Greene had guards at the penitentiary, where interest until paid, mortgage fore ot said railroad. almost well again. tile courage to venture ud here Mon Wlilte is now doing work for the closed, appraisem*nt Waived, six Rev.

Fred Thomas, of Chanute. was And we would further represent that tho day for the first time since becoming state. Baker will begin his official months stay. C. Swan was in the city looking af- Construction of said part of said levee as re down last Sunday afternoon and a uenemci.

Martha A. Elwell vs. W. Peterson, duties the first of August. tcr the school this week.

located win promote I lie public health, convenience and welfare, and that wo und each night. He was the truest of well continued on application of deft. County Sunt. J. Hunt, was In the cltv of us own land lu the district which will be probably a certain young lady can ell Fred Sailor, who has been working Mr.

Flinn Is receiving calls almost Mary k. wiisonet al. vs. a. i.x who.

protected and beuelltted by said Ieveo and that the said levee can be constructed at rea daily from fair and interesting school Friday, lie reports the prospects for a large attendance at liie Institute R. R. Company, defl dismissed his ap' In the Enterprise office for several months, left for Berthoud, sonable expense. nianns. Miss Pearl Stout, of Independence peal and case is remanded to J.

very flattering. 1 bat Marlon Johnson, one of tho sinners, of Wednesday to make his fortune in the who tried It, he to proceed as if no Mrs.S.Staaly who has been very sick came up Minnay morning to spend wild and wooley" west. "J-ritz appeal had been taken. for several weeks, is getting better lew iuys wit the family or G. this petition, hag entered Into a Ixind with siilllcieui security payable to the stale of Kansas lor tho use of Neosho couuly as required by law.

Mrs. Griggs, of Cherokee, a sister of Mrs, Dr. Light, died a few days a gtKKi iHy and Is lxiund to succeed at present. bowrancc. I-rank Long says he glad.

no iM-st wishes of many friends go ago. nr. and airs, ugnt wont down with him. Charles Hackedorn, a cousin of Mrs 10 attend tne funeral. Friend F.

iS'eeley, Is visiting nt the C. I. Prange, city marshal of Clin In company with our old time Mrs. S. .1.

Markle, who removed to Necley ranch. note, was seen in Thayer one day friend, Henry Bell, one of Neosho Argentine a stiort time ago to run a last, wcck. we presume he was look county's progressive pedagogues, the A wedding almost In sight. The boarding house, had the misfortune to lose all of her goods by fire one day ii'K "iter ins political rences some writer hereof paid the St. i'aui hide' young man thinks lie wont even risk wnat.

pendent ofllce short visit Monday, moonlight nlgnts to ue out any more iab wcck. Breast where we had the pleasure of meeting Mr. McGec, of Neodeslia. general Rising Urbana played Tscw Hope on Satur Evangelist White, of the Christian the editor, Mr. .1.

h. Allison, whom we found to be a very pleasant and superintendent of the GutTey VS: Galev church, Is holding a very successful day and brought Home tne new nan un iiciiin, w.w in town one tiav last meeting in a tent on the grounds of triunipn. Miaw win piay uroana sociable gent leman, lie Is giving the week looking after the Interests of next Saturday. mcciiurcn hero. Lrgc crowds greet citizens or that town a good paper.

I have been a midwife for mnny tne company. mm every every evening. l'rof. J. M.

Nation, son of Scth "Sn year, and in each case whero MOTH' Our pen falters when we try to find tlon, and wife are having delightful If wo mistake not there will boa wias. after iilxnit, t-n ERS' FRIEND" wu used It accomplished won- proper langauge to express our feeling nmoiig the snowcapped rnoiin wedding In our rlty about Sunday weeks vacation here among friends toward our worthy Chanute corres tains of Colorado, wearing their over mat win surprise me voting penult pondent for the compliment he paid dort and shortened labor and lessened pain. It 1b the beta remedy for 1US1NU UF THE BREAST known, and worth tho price and relatives, returned las', Wed nev day night to his desk with Webb coats and keeping cool. however, we wish tliein unbounded us last week: so, to use an exnression pleasure before the happy event. l'reyschlag Kansas City, Mo, for th at alone.

hat is not, exactly In conformity with Reed Kellogg, but one that will 1m; reter Kllgore, a little lxy 10 years old. hile, riding the lead horse on binder was thrown from his horse The watermalns are being laid Mrs. M. M. llrewster, Montgomery, Ala.

viriiorerorc. we pray your uonoratilo Ilody for tho vacation ot said part ol atiid Ieveo nud tlin ro-locatlon of he snmn and that tho said part ns re-located continue to be and remain for all Intents and purposes it part of the original Liutton leveu. Slirned, MAItlON JOHNSON, JOS. HOLLKy, A. i.OIMJK, W.T.


81 ii of Kansas, Neosho county, sa; thuundersiimcd. do solemnly swear Mint each and everyone of tho petitioners who-o mimes are subscribed lo tlio lorcKolmr petition Is a land owner III the district which will be benellitod by the construction of said Dutton levee, so help Die Ood. JOSKPH IIOLt.KY. Subscribed and iworu to before hiothis 1st. day of July, lH'S.

Seal. W. P. WltltlHT. County Clerk.

And. whereas, 8. K. Ilnaeli, K. Cllno and Jomp'i Voliner, Vleweis.and Frank II.

Oreene, County Hurveyor of said Ootiuty, have been apioluted and ordered by n.tlii County Commissioners to view, survey, vscato and re-locate said Ieveo. Therefore, you are hereby notified that said Viewers and Surveyor will proceed on tho Sin day of July. st o'clock a. at the place of hruinlnir of said levee, to view, survey.vaeate and re-lncnte said levee and per-(en in whatsoever oilier duties are required or them by Uw. And unless you file a written application fr damaueB sustained, and conipcnsiilliin elalmeil, with said Viewers a description or the promise on wnlcli you claim such damajte or eompensatlon, your upplleaiion for and recovery of the aiune will lie fnrevi-r barred.

Dated July 17slifl, Maihon Johnson, Onu of lie pulltl.iinn Alleti W. P. Wit to nr. Couuty Ckrk. John Chlng Foo reiiorls the laundry unuersiooa, wo snail simply say along 1-ourth street.

A main will he business a little tilet this week. He during a runaway and was badly hurt inariks, awfully, liro. Sailors. May lain out on Junction street as far us puts in his spare time playing base school street This was not the orl Pent by iprcss or mall, on receipt of price, Hooper boll Book "To Molhors" mailed ball. the wav Chlmr Is nreti juui nnmuiH never grow less, fpi i by the til nder, arm tinmen, neck and face lacerated leslde Internal Injuries.

glnnl plan, but the cltlr.ens along it Jim vera Heeono oil nine mwi i trco. fair ball player when he don't fan out. mane me demand mid it was granted large number enthusiasts came over ORADFIE LD REGULATOR 00.. Atlanta, OA. Chas Zabrlskle and wife left Tucs All rrre.

last rriday to play the Parsons second Mrs. m. Sailors, of Stark, Is visit OLD BY AX I. TjRUQQIUm nine, game naving been matched to Ing In toe city this week. She Is no Those who have uw-d Dr.

King's New Discovery know lis value, and llnuui who hive ik! piiijeo nt t.aiesbiirg, but tor some ronipanled by Miss Emma Shenhcrd not, have now llio oi'iHirtiinlly to Itry It free, I First published July 2rt. 1W5. In tho llepuhll reason ine rarsons team failed to eaii-ieeoru. Publication Xottcc Call on the advert Iwd drnirirlM Bud pet a rial ImiiiIp, free. Hi-nrt your name and address to II llni-klln A t'o, t'hleairo, and a-el a sample of Arlington, I a relative, who Is pending a few months here for her health and visiting acquaintances apiwar on ine diamond.

Then Gales-burg's first nine nlaved them imnm tiny morning for Edna, where they will locate: They will run a hotel there. Sorry to lose Charley and wife. They will be missed by many friends In Thayer. Hon. J.

W. Beach attended the Judicial convention at Chanute Saturday as a delegate from Chetopa township. Wo iiiittcMaml that J. W. failed to make Imt speech as he box or nr.

Klnv i new Lire pint, free, as well la the liliricl (Amrt, within and for the to keep them from going home disap- and relatives. as a eopr of tlulde to Health and Houmv eounti' or In thca'aleof Kansas. in, hi IKiiiiwo, una came out at. the little hold Inatruetnr. free.

All of which I Biiaran Ihnrles K. ol'b, riff, Shirley Bros, have sold their Inter at. t-el to do you (rood and coat you nothing. end or the Horn. However, our I my vs.

John Powell et est In Hi" End grocery to G. II Katon, driniKlM. 4 hmik. tiieir aereat good hunioret i who i neii soiti tine inirti inter. del'ts, I The Stale of Bit-eltne Ihegiiine was umpired by lliimmel 'Kt to Kd McCnne, Ed lias clerked In Dr.

Price's Cream Baking Powder To Mary fiiUnti. J. Knlfon her hit' return game is in be played at promised us no would no. u. u.

Keifers's dry goods stone for several Awarded GuM MriUl MLdwtntrr pair, FraacUco. i. I oBiio, ait i ine AiH'iniuiiy riiniuuiv umi iiiayer tomorrow. kens and L. mn, uuviHun, -'ny, a eurpoialloii..

The Erie Record from Erie, Kansas (2024)


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.